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Bass, Bit Of Mark Advice Please

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Have found a nice mark on the tamar that I know holds bass as I had one last week but wanted to up my catch rate if possible. Now for the question. The mark has a rocky outcrop to one side that when the tides out is compketely visible so iknow it holds crab, mussels and clams and the other side is mud banks. Now am I better of near the rocks or on the mud?

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How does the tide come in towards the rocks? If the tide hits the rocks full on then fish in front of the rocks with crab. The rocks will set up a bow wave effect in the tide, giving you slack water even in a big tide run. Crabs cannot walk around in a run of tide they just get tumbled along with the tide, until that is they hit places where there is no run of tide, like the bow wave in front of the rocks. They can then walk about and feed, or at this time of years carry females to mate with.


Bass know this and will use all these bow wave places along the tidal run. It may only fish properly for a short amount of time, but when it does results can be very good.



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  On 20/05/2015 at 12:28, South hams hunter said:

The rocks are ver low tbh tiercel, only a foot tops height wise. More loose rocks and weed

Please yourself, you asked for advice and I gave it.


Even rocks 6" high will give a bow wave effect for a short while, it's up to you to determine what state of tide for any given strength of run that bow wave takes place.


This is a photo of a place I used to fish and as the tide grew stronger so different places on the rocks would produce fish, as one finished you would move onto the next one and end up right on top of the rocks over high water. The dark lines nearest the bottom of the photo is the first to fish and would last for about half an hour. You can calculate how much water will be over the rocks at any given time by dividing the height of the tide by 12, then apply the 1 2 3 3 2 1 rule to it. the tide comes in 1 twelfth in the first hour 2 twelfths in the second and so on.





Edited by tiercel
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  On 20/05/2015 at 19:55, South hams hunter said:

I wasnt arguing it just making sure it was right for small rocks aswell. Didnt explain it very well ( me that is) .


The rocks normally take a few hours to cover, will they still be the worth fishingwhen its cominf in strong and quickly?

There will be a time when it is the best time to fish the bow wave, wind, current, hight of tide will dictate when that will be. That said, It is usually (depending what time of tide the rocks get covered) within the first hour of the rocks getting covered.


Say for example they get covered at 2hrs flood on a 6 metre tide 1-12th of 6 metres is half a metre. The tide rises on the 3rd hour of the tide 3/12ths so you will know that there will be at least a metre and a half of water covering the rocks. In that case I would start fishing it half an hour after the rocks are covered and work from there. There should be half a metre of water and enough run to cause the bow wave effect.


Another time to fish it with crab would be over high water using old spark plugs as rotten bottoms for weights, as there will be no run of tide the crabs will be able to walk around making themselves available to the bass. Over the high water time fish into the middle of the rocks not in front of them. It also might be worth a try on the other side of the rocks on the ebb of the tide.



Edited by tiercel
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To fish the bow wave, use as long a leader as you can handle and a breakaway lead, cast up-tide of the edge of the rocks so that the bait drops back on to the edge of the rocks. Use a bait clip or hang the bait over one of the grips on the weight.



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