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Bass, Bit Of Mark Advice Please

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It is worth putting the time in and experimenting until you find the best times and conditions. I had one spot that fished its socks off for about half an hour. i used to turn up get the bag out ready to put the fish in and get me priest ready lol. Bit of a hike to it but worth it. The features have changed slightly now though. Don't just stick to the norm there was one spot you could ledger the out going tide but no one thought to try I often would bag up before people arrived and slip away as every one else turned up ;)

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  On 21/05/2015 at 07:12, South hams hunter said:

My weight clips have a small bait hook. Ill try and get it uptide of the rocks, think thats about 300 yards lol

Sorry, I did not realise it was that far from the shore. It should cover pretty quick,and as the tide will be running at it's strongest in the 3rd and 4th hours you could have about half an hour on it before it gets too far to cast too.


You will know when the bow wave effect is taking place you will see a small ripple appear, as soon as it does start fishing it.



Edited by tiercel
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This may help abit more if the photo worked lol. The red dot is the beach I start on and the blue dot is an elevated ledge to fish the high tide. The water comes right into the red dot on high ( why I get up on thw ledge) but the ledge has restrictions with casting. The rocky weedy section you can see is mainly weed but with a some rocks in none of which are that big that I cant turn them looking for peelers. The black arrow is the way the tide floods. When at high the red dot is only about a foot deep and its pretty level out to the gully where the boats are.


Sorry to be a pain just checking what you said would still apply.


Thanks tiercel this is really helpful

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There is an old saying amongst fishermen, "It only takes an inch of water to cover a fishes back" Meaning fish are not always in the deepest water. I had a look on google earth and those rocks are only about 35 yards at their widest part.




Looking at the photo, the position you are fishing would work best on the ebb of the tide. If I was fishing that mark I would start down tide of the ledge where the rocks meet the sand / mud and stay there as long as I could fishing as hard against the rocks as possible. As the run of tide decreases and high water nears I would then switch to the ledge and fish a rotten bottom into the rocks and seaweed.


Fish do not always go back with the tide the way they came up it, you have a river to your right that will be emptying out into the main channel, where those two currents meet will cause an eddy it may well be worth trying to fish that eddy on the ebb of the tide.



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  • 1 month later...

I'm from Devon not far away can you float fish a live prawn its a killer bait, ledgering top bait i would say is a soft crab but you will only get one hit one chance.


Cheers Arry

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