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I'm just finished Lyn Harbors book "Hunters of the Welsh Hills" which I enjoyed. I also have his "Try back lads, try back" which I also enjoyed.

One thing I really liked about both these books is he got Huntsmen to open up to him ,which, IMO is a hard thing to do.

Edited by neil cooney
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Because it is a proven fact.Bluck had borders a few year back and started a border terrier club of his own but that did not last very long and the club and registration fees went belly up.He then when

Over the years, advances in photography have changed what we expect in print. From old 35mm we had to take to the chemist (unless we had a special contact) to insta-matic pictures. Which were poor qua

Good to see Bert Gripton had the foresight to say such common sense and at a time when terrier work hadn't the pressure like it has today. Some of the older books Lucas and Pearse for example were ni

I'm just finished Lyn Harbors book "Hunters of the Welsh Hills" which I enjoyed. I also have his "Try back lads, try back" which I also enjoyed.

One thing I really liked about both these books is he got Huntsmen to open up to him ,which, IMO is a hard thing to do.

I've enjoyed a good few days hunting with Lyn years back. I didn't know he'd put out books! I must get em!!

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As far as I know he used to come over to follow hounds in Cork and some friends of mine spoke well of him.

One thing I found about his books was that he must have been well got amongst huntsmen or they wouldn't have given him such interviews.

That's my opinion anyway.

I'll be getting his other books when I can.

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The Bezzant brothers have produced the worst hunting books by far, and they get to write more crap in airgun and smallholding mags every month. Sean Frains books are a bit naff as well but as someone who loves ratting I'll give him some credit for including hunting rats with a hawk in his book even if it doesn't go into detail.

I think some books are still worth a read for the newbie who just a wants to read as much as possible, Sean Frains for example but they just aren't worth spending money on which is why his aren't so bad as they can be obtained through libraries, read and then handed back as it was with Plummers books. Now that's something that hasn't been mentioned on this thread. When I was a kid and wanted to learn about hunting I didn't know anybody who had terriers and lurchers but my local library could get me a lot of titles and I would write down big lists of books and hand them over. Then every couple of days I'd get a phone call saying various books had arrived and I'd go and get them. I must have read a few grands worth of books from my local library on all sorts of hunting, shooting and fishing subjects. However modern books aren't available in libraries for obvious financial reasons on the authors part and out of interest I did a search to see what of the old titles can still be borrowed and was sad to see many are no longer available. Plummers Fell Terrier can be ordered but must be read in the library not taken away, I imagine it's a first edition and someone realised its worth a few quid.

I think this is a shame for the kid getting into hunting who has a thirst for knowledge but has no money. I was getting £27.50 a week when I left school and was doing my plumbing apprentiship and there's no way I could have bought the books I was reading, I was going through about ten a week for ages on everything about hunting, terriers, lurchers, hounds, falconry etc. etc.


I haven't wrote a book but I've had to compile book size word documents with lots of pictures in and it doesn't take long to type something like that. How nice it would be if a serious terrier and lurcher man or woman followed Falconry and Fishing enthusiasts and started writing books and putting them on the Internet for free, or for the £4 a month kindle unlimited subscription fee anyway. I'm aware I might feel differently about that if I had something worth making a book about lol.

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If anyone has any terrier books for sale please pm me


What books are you after?
any I'm an.avid reader and like all books but as I've only recently got in to working terriers I like to read about their history management and like biography stile anything considered though what ya got
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Lutra Lutra I am enjoying your posts,the only bit I do not agree with is when you said if game wants to move it will.I have seen plenty of good dogs that will let nothing pass regardless.Many years ago(pre ban)we dug the same badger quiet often so he knew what to expect.It was a place we brought people who thought they had good dogs,he ruined many a dog and dog man reputation.But some dogs kept him in check and were not pushed around.Personally I would not rate a dog who had this bad fault regardless how tough his apponent was.

We don,t always have to agree,otherwise this forum would be to sterile,we all hunt differently and with a different purpose,at times.Many would cull a badger like that as its to educated and dangerous,an educated badger as got the better of the best of terriers,i read that in a book.


Why would anybody destroy such a badger and how would it be dangerous?Who ever wrote that book Morton must have bad dogs if he said the educated badger got the better of the best of dogs.As for pushing the dog to the limit,I thought it more a way of finding out the good from the mediocre.The good one was kept and bred from mediocre was found out for what he was and was culled.


A good terrier often as an habit of proving its worth without the owner wanting to test his own ego.

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Hancock admitted years later that merle wouldn't touch a fox!

even Steve wonder would have seen merle was crap, I remember thinking as a 13 yr old kid reading about merle bowling the same fox 3 times and it got away. I thought that dog is a rubber gob, didn't stop me reading the book though, but didn't take much heed of what he said. It was diary of a hunter
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When i was younger, reading Plummer books, the hunting i knew and did was very different than what i was reading but that knowlage never stopped me enjoying the books.


I had Lloydy in the Shooting News to say it like it was. ;)

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The bit about Frain being a top read was meant to be a piss take before anyone gets on my case .Im a sensative soul with polemic tendancies.

I think we all read Plummers works but it was EDRD that shed light on the man and his lying ways for me .Used to have racks of VHS tapes but of course its now all digital ,all the coney catcher,Phill Lloyd.Excellent .

Warrener ,where i learnt how to double up terriers ,Johnny D and the black and tans ratting ,Ratcatchers by our very own WHWT .

All binned now cos its all dvd .Now its racks of stalking vids ,American predator calling .,Foxing in the dales,and of cousre the mandatory ratting vids .

I guess the thirst for knowledge never ends .As we get older we get to chose what sinks in though as to what we know to be fact .

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Ive also read the book neil which hunstmen did you like reading about the best and did you know all the huntsmen before you read the book

I especially enjoyed the last two chapters, John Charles Jones MFH ,Gogerddan and Eirfyl 'Cochyn' Price, Sennybridge Farmers.

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