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Smashed isnt a word i would use,as for stories of the little yappers saving the day as the game dog skulks away with his tail between his legs wonderfull lovely story, read that type of thing loads of times but in reality very rarely works out that way,but back to authors i like dave harcombe as an author like his style and his views on what a working terrier should be capable of.I dont know if you are after causing controversy or if you are just bored but your style of writeing and the language you use gives me the impression you are not realy that great a fan of working terriers, unless there the type your selling, sounds like youve collected all the books though.

First and formost, I don't need to get into a slanging match by someone who hasn't much knowledge regarding terriers and working them underground. I can assure everyone on these forums that I have done and seen the the job first hand for more years than I can remember. For you to think that baying dogs have no place in the way that terriers work underground; you surely haven't experienced proper terrier work in the way that it should be conducted. It is totally common sense that a good baying dog will see and account for more quarry than an hard dog that is always off sick. Like I have said before, terriers do get bit, that is part and parcel of the job in question. I haven't been on these forums long but I find it somewhat annoying, frustrating and when combined with certain superficial comments, somewhat boring. I haven't got a problem with peoples opinions or debates, but let's start looking at the truth. Then you mentioned boredom. My simple answer to your question would be, I never find the time to be bored because I always occupy my mind with my many other interests. To many people, a lifetime simple isn't enough! Also someone stated that i'd been writing in Old English. 'The word varmint can hardly be described as being Old English."Just another word! See what remarks I get again? Also I haven't collected all the books, especially on the subject of terriers. I would sooner read the Antiquarian and out- of date titles on various other subjects. e.g. Fox hunting, Falconry, bird books and all types of natural history titles. It has escaped my memory, but someone has asked I think about wanting various catalogues. Let me me know if you still want any, then I would send you some. Good luck. Lutra Lutra.


Peoples opinions on HARD vary a lot,i have seen and heard lads say there terrier was hard just because it got a few scratches.I agree that a good baying dog will probably account for more quarry than an out and out head on type of terrier but your good baying terrier wont hold game that dont want to be held.


A good bayer can hold longer than a dog that awaits the timely response of a shovel,at times,a good bayer can be entered where it cannot be dug to and still get the job done that a terrier with a different work ethic cannot.It would be handy to have both types of terrier in the kennel as both will earn their snap,yet the bayer often as the ability to eat it more comfortably :tongue2: .

Very good Morton





Smashed isnt a word i would use,as for stories of the little yappers saving the day as the game dog skulks away with his tail between his legs wonderfull lovely story, read that type of thing loads of times but in reality very rarely works out that way,but back to authors i like dave harcombe as an author like his style and his views on what a working terrier should be capable of.I dont know if you are after causing controversy or if you are just bored but your style of writeing and the language you use gives me the impression you are not realy that great a fan of working terriers, unless there the type your selling, sounds like youve collected all the books though.

First and formost, I don't need to get into a slanging match by someone who hasn't much knowledge regarding terriers and working them underground. I can assure everyone on these forums that I have done and seen the the job first hand for more years than I can remember. For you to think that baying dogs have no place in the way that terriers work underground; you surely haven't experienced proper terrier work in the way that it should be conducted. It is totally common sense that a good baying dog will see and account for more quarry than an hard dog that is always off sick. Like I have said before, terriers do get bit, that is part and parcel of the job in question. I haven't been on these forums long but I find it somewhat annoying, frustrating and when combined with certain superficial comments, somewhat boring. I haven't got a problem with peoples opinions or debates, but let's start looking at the truth. Then you mentioned boredom. My simple answer to your question would be, I never find the time to be bored because I always occupy my mind with my many other interests. To many people, a lifetime simple isn't enough! Also someone stated that i'd been writing in Old English. 'The word varmint can hardly be described as being Old English."Just another word! See what remarks I get again? Also I haven't collected all the books, especially on the subject of terriers. I would sooner read the Antiquarian and out- of date titles on various other subjects. e.g. Fox hunting, Falconry, bird books and all types of natural history titles. It has escaped my memory, but someone has asked I think about wanting various catalogues. Let me me know if you still want any, then I would send you some. Good luck. Lutra Lutra.


Peoples opinions on HARD vary a lot,i have seen and heard lads say there terrier was hard just because it got a few scratches.I agree that a good baying dog will probably account for more quarry than an out and out head on type of terrier but your good baying terrier wont hold game that dont want to be held.


A good bayer can hold longer than a dog that awaits the timely response of a shovel,at times,a good bayer can be entered where it cannot be dug to and still get the job done that a terrier with a different work ethic cannot.It would be handy to have both types of terrier in the kennel as both will earn their snap,yet the bayer often as the ability to eat it more comfortably :tongue2: .

Very good Morton! Lutra Lutra.


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There absolutely no point posting in this terrier section now, getting scrutinized for everything you write by people who think they are experts hidden by usernames so no one knows who you are! Some people use better grammar because there better educated and not a thick c**t! Does this mean they can't be any good at digging?From the short time I've been on here you can tell there is only a few lads that go around terrier work in a professional manner! There are a lot of lads of here who think only hard terriers with lots of scars work quarry well, and it's the same lads that think posting scared up dogs on a public forum doesn't do any harm to terrier work! In fact probably won't affect them if terrier work is banned as they probs just go where they want! But for gamekeepers who actually fort to keep terrier work as a tool of there job,( gamekeepers exempt) its all these knackers that have to tell the world about there 1 dig a year with there hard smashed up dogs that are slowly ruining terrier work!

My reply to 5 foot downs comments. There is actually someone on this forum who has agreed in what I have said and has the intelligence and opinion on the working aspects of terriers.The truth of the matter is, that hard dogs and their owners give the terrier-game bad press. So simple and a fact which would be shared by anybody who has been involved with good dogs. I am not for one moment pulling hard dogs down, I am not. They have their place and uses. However, like I have mentioned before I don't think it is a good idea to parade dogs with open wounds at shows to all and sundry to see....5 foot downs comments being so accurate and for once an intelligent comment. There should be more people like him on these forums. Also I have been at the mercy of certain attacks about styles of writing and communicating on this forum. How do people expect one to write, when that is only what one knows? I could if I so wish post photos all day long, but I don't have to comply or certainly prove a point. I have been constantly attacked by Foxdropper for only a reason known to himself. I haven't tried in his parlance to educate anyone; that isn't my style. If I was of a kind, I could write about all types of experiences with dogs and all the so-called celebrities I have known and met. But I don't have to blow on my own trumpet! Also to all the Irish guys who might put into question my ability with dogs. I have met some of the giants, if I can use that terminology from all parts of Ireland. In fact they might even be some on this forum listening to these comments now. All the big boys in the game and worthy of respect I will know. I have also sent some good terriers over in many parts of Ireland which have remained in their kennels until their latter days. Further proving not just my point but also other sensible comments by other terrier lads that baying dogs are of more use. That is a fact! I will of course await for certain negative reactions from certain corners. Also again to Foxdropper.' DON'T TRY AND TELL ME ABOUT THE WORD(TRUTH)'.That is cerainly one subject I will beat be you on. Hands down! Once again thanks to all the guys who haven't been a critic of myself. It is good to know that there are still some good people in this complicated life...... D.R.M.

P.S.Once again my many thanks to (5 foot down) for is truthful, intelligent comments. 'We would'nt be in such a dire situation if many more people thought like him.


Hard dogs and there owners give the terrier game bad press,thats some statement to come out with about a lot of lads you neither know or ever met.Not all lads parade there dogs around the ring,i for 1 dont and never have.Then you say you have done a lot of diging,well i reckon with your sounders you probably have and i mean diging.You also say that if game wants to move then it will and no dog will stop it,well imo you have not seen many good dogs work but then again everyone has different standards.


Fatman, it is obvious through your statements you prefer a different dog not just to myself but to many others also. Also I have never said all terrier men and their hard dogs give the terrier game bad press as that would be an unfair statement. Certain guys have paraded terriers at the shows with open wounds; I have seen it and if people are honest they have too. At the end of the day it all depends upon your definition of an hard dog. I have seen iron hard dogs go for a little while, but in the end they have come to a sticky end. Another statement you made was about myself in your words not seeing many good dogs. I had to really laugh at that one. If I was an arrogant type and wanted to show off or prove a point, I could quite easily post photos on an open forum of certain Russells which had been all over the British Isles. Also, I have sent dogs over to your country to some of the old hands at the game. They would soon blow your accusations a sunder! I don't think it is a good idea to get into a personal slanging match just based on different views about dogs. I don't know you at all and you could be a nice genuine person, so of course I will refrain from forming any attacks upon yourself. But just through interest, could you answer me one question please? Why haven't you taken any other person to task when they have posted their ( SENSIBLE COMMENTS) about baying dogs and their quarry? I have read quite a few comments and certain people prefer baying dogs. So why am I in the wrong? Very strange that is for sure! Lutra Lutra.

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Wasn't this post about authors?,any hoo back to the subject, another good ol read, "Dan Russell working terriers,"there is no doubt that experience comes through working your charges,and like those authors mentioned most worked their dogs and wrote about their days hunting, I don't have many newish books on my shelf,I love to read them,good thread lads, makes a nice change and brings happy memories, and while we read their books we keep our old mates alive, happy hunting what ever you do, dd

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WOW, hope the slagging match is over, but then again its been interesting, why would any body think because someone likes books that they dont know about digging to dogs, i have shelf's full of books some good some you would never pick up again, i new David Grayling when he used to live at Crosby Ravensworth, we had the rabbiting on the farms around his house,his book collection was something else,

When i first started in the game the only Books were by Drabble [of a pedigree unknown], or Rebeca the lurcher but i cant remember the auther, then along came plummer, as a young lad i thought the sun shone out of his hole, then i met him, i was there when he came to Anthony Chappie Chapmans house to interview him for the fell terrier book, when Plummer left Chappie said what a tosser he was and i hope i dont have to speak to him again, Billy Brightmore also told him to get stuffed [or words somewhat like it] and also mentioned his Welsh ancestry. when i read Rogues and running dogs i thought it was the best book ever written then found out most of it was stolen from a lad called Graham Jones, just goes to show how gullible we can be when were young and daft.

I forgot to mention Ted Walshes Lurchers and Longdogs, now that was a great book and still on my shelf , and as someone mentioned Bobby Humbers Game cock and Countryman, brilliant book and all about my stomping ground.


Lutra Lutra dont stop dont stop your topics, they are interesting and get one or two wound up.




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I think my first book was lurchers and longdogs, had Rebecca lent it out never came back,only ones of plummers, rougues and running dogs, did have fell terrier, never got it back, others still jorrocks, handley cross, mr sponges sporting tours, my favorite has to be, I walked by night, Cyril Heber Percy, I do have one of mr Darcy's of which I'm fond, written well,and my mum got for my birthday, and she's now gone,thoughts on hunting , should on every hunting mans shelf, and bb, all classics.

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Myersbg, I know Graham Jones and he didn't write R&R, Jimmy 'Longhair' Keeling did.

A local Lurcherman, Keeling made the mistake of sending Plummer the manuscript and the rest is history...!


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Sorry Bosun,You are probably [BANNED TEXT], it was a long time ago, i remember jimmy keeling from the shows back then if my memory serves me [BANNED TEXT] he used to wear a big fur waistcoat.

How is Graham i have not seen him for years.

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Sorry Bosun,You are probably [bANNED TEXT], it was a long time ago, i remember jimmy keeling from the shows back then if my memory serves me [bANNED TEXT] he used to wear a big fur waistcoat.How is Graham i have not seen him for years.

He's fine mate, just lives down the road from me. ;)

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There absolutely no point posting in this terrier section now, getting scrutinized for everything you write by people who think they are experts hidden by usernames so no one knows who you are! Some people use better grammar because there better educated and not a thick c**t! Does this mean they can't be any good at digging?From the short time I've been on here you can tell there is only a few lads that go around terrier work in a professional manner! There are a lot of lads of here who think only hard terriers with lots of scars work quarry well, and it's the same lads that think posting scared up dogs on a public forum doesn't do any harm to terrier work! In fact probably won't affect them if terrier work is banned as they probs just go where they want! But for gamekeepers who actually fort to keep terrier work as a tool of there job,( gamekeepers exempt) its all these knackers that have to tell the world about there 1 dig a year with there hard smashed up dogs that are slowly ruining terrier work!

My reply to 5 foot downs comments. There is actually someone on this forum who has agreed in what I have said and has the intelligence and opinion on the working aspects of terriers.The truth of the matter is, that hard dogs and their owners give the terrier-game bad press. So simple and a fact which would be shared by anybody who has been involved with good dogs. I am not for one moment pulling hard dogs down, I am not. They have their place and uses. However, like I have mentioned before I don't think it is a good idea to parade dogs with open wounds at shows to all and sundry to see....5 foot downs comments being so accurate and for once an intelligent comment. There should be more people like him on these forums. Also I have been at the mercy of certain attacks about styles of writing and communicating on this forum. How do people expect one to write, when that is only what one knows? I could if I so wish post photos all day long, but I don't have to comply or certainly prove a point. I have been constantly attacked by Foxdropper for only a reason known to himself. I haven't tried in his parlance to educate anyone; that isn't my style. If I was of a kind, I could write about all types of experiences with dogs and all the so-called celebrities I have known and met. But I don't have to blow on my own trumpet! Also to all the Irish guys who might put into question my ability with dogs. I have met some of the giants, if I can use that terminology from all parts of Ireland. In fact they might even be some on this forum listening to these comments now. All the big boys in the game and worthy of respect I will know. I have also sent some good terriers over in many parts of Ireland which have remained in their kennels until their latter days. Further proving not just my point but also other sensible comments by other terrier lads that baying dogs are of more use. That is a fact! I will of course await for certain negative reactions from certain corners. Also again to Foxdropper.' DON'T TRY AND TELL ME ABOUT THE WORD(TRUTH)'.That is cerainly one subject I will beat be you on. Hands down! Once again thanks to all the guys who haven't been a critic of myself. It is good to know that there are still some good people in this complicated life...... D.R.M.

P.S.Once again my many thanks to (5 foot down) for is truthful, intelligent comments. 'We would'nt be in such a dire situation if many more people thought like him.


Hard dogs and there owners give the terrier game bad press,thats some statement to come out with about a lot of lads you neither know or ever met.Not all lads parade there dogs around the ring,i for 1 dont and never have.Then you say you have done a lot of diging,well i reckon with your sounders you probably have and i mean diging.You also say that if game wants to move then it will and no dog will stop it,well imo you have not seen many good dogs work but then again everyone has different standards.


Fatman, it is obvious through your statements you prefer a different dog not just to myself but to many others also. Also I have never said all terrier men and their hard dogs give the terrier game bad press as that would be an unfair statement. Certain guys have paraded terriers at the shows with open wounds; I have seen it and if people are honest they have too. At the end of the day it all depends upon your definition of an hard dog. I have seen iron hard dogs go for a little while, but in the end they have come to a sticky end. Another statement you made was about myself in your words not seeing many good dogs. I had to really laugh at that one. If I was an arrogant type and wanted to show off or prove a point, I could quite easily post photos on an open forum of certain Russells which had been all over the British Isles. Also, I have sent dogs over to your country to some of the old hands at the game. They would soon blow your accusations a sunder! I don't think it is a good idea to get into a personal slanging match just based on different views about dogs. I don't know you at all and you could be a nice genuine person, so of course I will refrain from forming any attacks upon yourself. But just through interest, could you answer me one question please? Why haven't you taken any other person to task when they have posted their ( SENSIBLE COMMENTS) about baying dogs and their quarry? I have read quite a few comments and certain people prefer baying dogs. So why am I in the wrong? Very strange that is for sure! Lutra Lutra.


The truth of the matter is,hard dogs and there owners give terrier work bad press,your words not mine.As for your russells that were all over the british isles i have also seen terriers that got about a lot but they were in my eyes no good,as i already said people have different standards.Lads that parade terriers at shows with fresh open wounds,well thats there buisness,not my cup of tea for sure.Posting pictures of certain russells still would not prove that they done the buisness as i have also seen plenty that looked the part but were also crap when put to the test.I am not geting into a personal slanging match with you or anyone else just giving my opinion same as you and to answer your question i have had a few little barneys on here with lads over the same thing,for instance at a time before we ever seen a patterdale or fell type we used bullxrussells of every % and up until recently i had a halfx bullxpatt,dog was well worked,hatrd at his work but put a lot of quarry on the sod.In the 70-80s there were a lot of bullx's about and they worked to a very high standard,pre-ban,pre-locater but for some reason the bullx terrier is not rated on here by a lot of lads but then again thats there opinion,but i wonder did these same lads ever work a good bullxrussell.Lastly LUTRA,you are knocking the hardish type terriers and blowing up the bayers so i am entitled to to my say and to defend the rough type terrier,as you say we all have our preferences.

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Myersbg, I know Graham Jones and he didn't write R&R, Jimmy 'Longhair' Keeling did.

A local Lurcherman, Keeling made the mistake of sending Plummer the manuscript and the rest is history...!


Are you sure he wrote it...? I've heard a couple of names over the years that have said the same thing...

Edited by J Darcy
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I know Jimmy very well and he did say he wrote give it to Plummer to read through and next thing Plummer had it for sale Jimmy still going strong but Jimmy had the pony tail docked now lol

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I spent a lot of time at Jimmy,s place swapping foxes for dogmeat and that's how I first met Plummer,Jimmy never wrote that book but spent a lot of time taking Plummer coursing up and down the country,meeting the leading lights of that time,interviewing them,etc,seeing different crosses run and how they faired,etc, its fair to say the book would never of had the content without Jimmy,I remember him asking Plummer whether he was a rogue or a running dog,Lols,Jim was never happy that himself,Joe Segar,etc,never got much of a mention after trailing Plummer all over the country without much thanks,there are a lot of stories in Plummers books that were told around Jim's farmhouse table with a pot of tea and a gang of decent dog lads just recounting a few tales,they were happy times and always a laugh,Plummer never joined in the banter just sat by the fire writing,we did not know he was writing the tales we all told,we just thought he was a boffin or crank, WM

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