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About Books And The New Authors Nowadays.

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Jesus this site has gone to the dogs talking about books ye should join a library armchair hunter's the lot of ye

That was my original post about books. Asking a simple question regarding certain modern day Authors. What is so wrong about such a subject?

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Because it is a proven fact.Bluck had borders a few year back and started a border terrier club of his own but that did not last very long and the club and registration fees went belly up.He then when

Over the years, advances in photography have changed what we expect in print. From old 35mm we had to take to the chemist (unless we had a special contact) to insta-matic pictures. Which were poor qua

Good to see Bert Gripton had the foresight to say such common sense and at a time when terrier work hadn't the pressure like it has today. Some of the older books Lucas and Pearse for example were ni



Jesus this site has gone to the dogs talking about books ye should join a library armchair hunter's the lot of ye

That was my original post about books. Asking a simple question regarding certain modern day Authors. What is so wrong about such a subject?
I taught this site was to discuss about terriers and working them not to talk about who wrote the best book
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I have Sparrows book and Pierce O Connors too, I've also read the book my a Mr Jack Loyds (can't remember his full name) and I've read all of Lucas's books (someone should show David Cameron the photo of badger digging at Chequers, the Prime Ministers country estate) and someone mentioned Gamecocks and Countrymen, a real gem IMO.

Also another publication IMO that is nice to see or pick up regarding terriers is the Yearbooks of the FMWTC. A good insight into the running and dealings of an important organisation.

I always liked Phil Drabble and I do believe he was a true countryman and I was always led to believe he only turned anti badger digging when a new breed of digger started to emerge.

He, like anyone else, was entitled to his opinion.

Totally agree with you Neil. However, what did annoy myself was that all the things Bert did for him as to the regards of Drabbles Badger project, then Drabble shunned Bert at a country fair because he didn't want to be seen with a terrier man who had previously got him the Badgers for his Nature reserve. What an hypocrite! Also by Drabbles own admission, he, himself played a major part in the down fall of otter hunting and the otter hunting fraternity.


There's where my ignorance takes over, I didn't know that.

I always presumed it was the pollution problem and the voluntary ban, end of story.


And i taught you knew everything,lol.

Fatman, pollution played a part also like you stated.


Sorry buddy,but i did not state anything.

Sorry Fatman, my apologies!

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Jesus this site has gone to the dogs talking about books ye should join a library armchair hunter's the lot of ye

That was my original post about books. Asking a simple question regarding certain modern day Authors. What is so wrong about such a subject?
I taught this site was to discuss about terriers and working them not to talk about who wrote the best book

Undertaker, it wasn't about who had produced the best book; but to what the lads thought about the modern day Authors and to whether they had done a disservice to the hunting. I could have quite easily wrote about catching foxes for example. Regards Lutra Lutra.

P.S. All in all it is a topic about terrier discussion. I asked for simple answers and opinions. Not to be replied with the comments of not having any knowledge on working terriers by certain people.

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Smashed isnt a word i would use,as for stories of the little yappers saving the day as the game dog skulks away with his tail between his legs wonderfull lovely story, read that type of thing loads of times but in reality very rarely works out that way,but back to authors i like dave harcombe as an author like his style and his views on what a working terrier should be capable of.I dont know if you are after causing controversy or if you are just bored but your style of writeing and the language you use gives me the impression you are not realy that great a fan of working terriers, unless there the type your selling, sounds like youve collected all the books though.

First and formost, I don't need to get into a slanging match by someone who hasn't much knowledge regarding terriers and working them underground. I can assure everyone on these forums that I have done and seen the the job first hand for more years than I can remember. For you to think that baying dogs have no place in the way that terriers work underground; you surely haven't experienced proper terrier work in the way that it should be conducted. It is totally common sense that a good baying dog will see and account for more quarry than an hard dog that is always off sick. Like I have said before, terriers do get bit, that is part and parcel of the job in question. I haven't been on these forums long but I find it somewhat annoying, frustrating and when combined with certain superficial comments, somewhat boring. I haven't got a problem with peoples opinions or debates, but let's start looking at the truth. Then you mentioned boredom. My simple answer to your question would be, I never find the time to be bored because I always occupy my mind with my many other interests. To many people, a lifetime simple isn't enough! Also someone stated that i'd been writing in Old English. 'The word varmint can hardly be described as being Old English."Just another word! See what remarks I get again? Also I haven't collected all the books, especially on the subject of terriers. I would sooner read the Antiquarian and out- of date titles on various other subjects. e.g. Fox hunting, Falconry, bird books and all types of natural history titles. It has escaped my memory, but someone has asked I think about wanting various catalogues. Let me me know if you still want any, then I would send you some. Good luck. Lutra Lutra.

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Your readiness to educate those already educated tells me your more of a scholer than a digger ,a watcher not a doer.Your long winded post of earlier about seeing men entering more than one and using a dog solely for hole ending was pitiful for the fact you never mentioned once how you dealt with those men .I care not how big or well known a lad is if those stunts were pulled in my presence they would be told and as fatman said no more outings with them .

i fully understand the personal need to impart some of the knowledge we gain over the years but on here every word will be scrutinised as if you are the enemy ,you are unknown here and as yet untrusted .

Its as if you have set out to create some sort of following ,typical of a previous member and that never turned out good either .i sent you a pm previous with an apology about who you were but its now deleted and withdrawn while theres still doubt in my mind .

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Foxdroper To much reading books doesn't make him a better digger lol.I still reckon he is blucks or a black fan as half the lads I know can't write like if ya swallowed an encyclopedia there more into workin that talking shite

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F.D. there you go again thinking everybody (including newbies) have to pass your test or gain your endorsement to be accepted on here, being able to write joined up without spelling mistakes or appearing to have a few more years experience always seems to put you out your comfort zone and like many country folk in the past start screaming "Witch", if lads come on like "Leethedog" an obvious "newbie", but only when it suits him,asking real daft questions that are obviously contrived and many having no place on here but Facebook, yet they raise no suspicion as they become quickly accepted by members who can't wait to impress with little or no knowledge, there are lots of levels in working all dogs (terriers included) and they are not all worked the same way, from newbie to expert there are many layers in between and if fieldsports have a future then all must be encouraged, if you wish to be just among so called "experts" then there are a few closed forums that are international and can only be accessed by invitation, I declined my invitation due to the many graphic images of what is illegal in this country. You have a need to forensically examine every word written by poster's on terrier work thinking anyone who doesn't work a dog like you is a "wrongun" and has no place on the forum, you believe pm's from lads you know nothing about to form opinions that are well wide of the mark and yet you admit yourself your judgement is flawed, you want to try looking on the lurcher section and see how friendly the threads are, no animosity and good banter, just how this section used to be, lighten up and if you can't add to a thread don't bother, constant sniping from the side is boring for all concerned, I only ever barrack or criticise when people do it to me, its in my nature, WM


Edited by wirral countryman
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Some so called know it alls on here need a good shoeing,they bang on about what's right and what's not,in truth they are rank amateurs, trying dog after dog that won't get their feet wet,lol,dragging young pups out when the quarry has hold cause they to lazy to open up a tidy hole.Coming out with silly comments like the dog is the most important and bitches breeding not important.WTF? Then run and delete all their posts so as not to look like cocks.And the sad fuckers that jump on anyone that's selling a dog,when they clearly buy 50 quid specials from the freeads that are other folks spewer 1 trick pony's call them what you want.I can count on 1 hand the genuine terrier men I've met most couldn't lie straight in bed,and do nothing but sell dreams.

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There absolutely no point posting in this terrier section now, getting scrutinized for everything you write by people who think they are experts hidden by usernames so no one knows who you are! Some people use better grammar because there better educated and not a thick c**t! Does this mean they can't be any good at digging?From the short time I've been on here you can tell there is only a few lads that go around terrier work in a professional manner! There are a lot of lads of here who think only hard terriers with lots of scars work quarry well, and it's the same lads that think posting scared up dogs on a public forum doesn't do any harm to terrier work! In fact probably won't affect them if terrier work is banned as they probs just go where they want! But for gamekeepers who actually fort to keep terrier work as a tool of there job,( gamekeepers exempt) its all these knackers that have to tell the world about there 1 dig a year with there hard smashed up dogs that are slowly ruining terrier work!

people are entitled to different opinions and this is the place to air them , terrier men are notorious for calling a spade a spade , even if they get it wrong lol .Sorry if you think this maybe is scrutinising your post ?. I personally like a difference of opinion even if I don't agree with that opinion . I won't hide behind my username either if you want I'll pm you if want to know who I am lol
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What some people dont have is the need to question everything ,if something dosnt fit right ill say no matter whos listening,no matter where i am .Just to take things as they are written for me isnt happening .I care not what others think and care less what they do . What i do care about is the truth and that whats written is the truth,something you should bear in mind WCM looking back at old pms ,black dogs lol.

i do feel strongly about terrierwork ,what i know to be real terrierwork ,not bushing ,not 5 minute wonders ,yappers but these are what you and others seem to prize .However i have no problem with a busher as long as that person is clear thats all it is.

Brings a smile when you talk of invites and describing youself as being an undercover expert as no further from the truth could ever be found .

If i see something out of place ill say whether it fits with any of you or not ,like i said i care not .

This section for me has never been stronger with many new lads to the game which has to be good but by the same token newbies that say they have done a bit arnt necessary on the level as time will tell one way or the other.

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Serious stuff all this terrier malarkey. There's going to be some early coronaries I reckon! FD I don't know you or many others on here but would say you know your stuff. I could be wrong who knows? Just as you could be, and probably have been about others. The inevitable rash statements about guys experience or being "real" terriermen (???) emerge from various quarters based on writing styles etc. WTF? How about introducing a new rule to the "real" terriermans rulebook? If one jumps to assumptions and insults another publicly, then let one apologize publicly if wrong.


Alternatively- One could think before one posts!

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