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Two first greeny mules.

Checked the nest pans today when the canary was out feeding , the nest she made in the pan in the flight which looks perfect and lined with alpaca fleece was empty checked the pan in the shed with fel

When the young un's are ready to jump ship make sure there's some branches down so they get up off the floor as such,they will scramble up the wire but branches are so much better for them to climb/fl

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  On 19/05/2015 at 12:31, dogger said:

but there a bit smarter and feed the youngest chick first so usually they all survive :yes:

Is that a fact mate or is it just your own experience ?.....Ive just had a couple of 4/5 day old chicks die and im pretty sure they was the last ones hatched......i was dubious the hen wasnt feeding them properly i should of done more really but think im probably a bit out my depth hand rearing chicks......the hen was feeding the first hatched being they were strongest but didnt seem too bothered about the really tiny ones.

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  On 18/05/2015 at 20:15, fireman said:

I got a greenie hen who'll peck you and the only way to look under her is to grab her off the nest,i had to find this out when ringing her latest brood and they can peck for a little bird :laugh: ,but i'll second all francolin says and were all novices that have learnt the hard way so can pass on lessons learnt :thumbs:

If you are a novice i havent even been born yet :laugh:

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No way in any game do i claim to be anything more Gnasher,i've kept birds for a few years now and am happy to share what i have learnt but no way an expert.As for the feeding of the youngest first,a few birds will do that but the ones we keep it's the first head up begging gets fed first. :thumbs:

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gnasher theres plenty of poor feeders,both canarys and british,it can happen that stronger chicks trample the last hatched into the nest,overpower them if ya like,so the strong get stronger and the smallest weaken and die,some parents pay more attention,and feed the lot to bursting point,one pair I got here will feed any and every chick till they are too full to move,others aint so good :thumbs: that pair was the best 15 quid I ever spent :laugh:

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  On 20/05/2015 at 15:24, francolin said:

gnasher theres plenty of poor feeders,both canarys and british,it can happen that stronger chicks trample the last hatched into the nest,overpower them if ya like,so the strong get stronger and the smallest weaken and die,some parents pay more attention,and feed the lot to bursting point,one pair I got here will feed any and every chick till they are too full to move,others aint so good :thumbs: that pair was the best 15 quid I ever spent :laugh:

Yep makes sense.....i still toy with the idea of dummy eggs but always think no let nature do its thing......think i might give it a go just to be able to say i tried.

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A good hen to me will wait till her brood is full then sits tight but sure First canary hen owned Sat tight after first egg she laid 4 one blank the rest full 2 hatched one day. nothing then.day after another cracked this little dude every morn I used to go out and lift him on top of his bigger siblings so heed be guaranteed feed so I taught then I noticed hen wasn't feeding only coal was he used to run her up off the nest to feed the young . Then I remembered reading pairing an old cock with young hen and vice versa confirmed that quote for me as 3 days after both were feeding the young happy days. That was my way from then on worked a charm . Until this season fear of burning hens out

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My hen seems to of stopped at 3 eggs she has started sitting on the pan most of the day and night , don't think it worry about candelling them as it probably break them will just wait and see and hopefully post pics of any that hatch ☺

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