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Trying to trap a fox in a live trap with not much success, I was just looking for some advice or tips as I feel I may be doing something wrong. I set the trap and cover it with sticks and leaves and bait only outside the trap. When the baits gone I bait the entrance and when it's gone I bait the trap itself but havnt had any luck yet apart from a hedgehog. I havnt pissed or littered around the area and I keep the dogs away from it and check it from a distance daily. That's all the info I can find on trapping so anymore would be appreciated. As for bait I'm using chicken and sardines along with general scraps from the house. Thanks in advance.

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Crack a few eggs in a bowl leave them few days till there rotten. Hang a chicken carcus at the back of trap . Pour egg over it. Slightly cover the trap but be carful not to block the mechanism. I got one on the first night. How long have you had the trap out and has it been near dogs or anything?

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Yes mate it's a cage I'm using. I thought most folk covered their traps? It helps keep them hid away so they're harder to spot and not stolen. Is there a reason why you choose not to cover yours?

Sorry, did not think about the "being stolen" where I use them that`s not an issue.

I also have mine on grass, so the fox is walking on grass so unable to detect the metal cage base.

Agree eggs also useful. Could wash the trap with water in case the fox can smell something they are wary of. Reposition trap if not caught for a day or 3.

Dont give up

Edited by shropshire mole
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Yes mate it's a cage I'm using. I thought most folk covered their traps? It helps keep them hid away so they're harder to spot and not stolen. Is there a reason why you choose not to cover yours?

Sorry, did not think about the "being stolen" where I use them that`s not an issue.

I also have mine on grass, so the fox is walking on grass so unable to detect the metal cage base.

Agree eggs also useful. Could wash the trap with water in case the fox can smell something they are wary of. Reposition trap if not caught for a day or 3.

Dont give up

Cheers, I'll give it a wash and reset it and see if I have anymore joy.
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I put sand over the floor wire, and around the entrance to see what's turning up, by way of footprints some times it pays to fasten the door open and let them enter and take a bait a couple of times,to get used to it especially if it's a wary fox,but with the sand or soft soil you can see how close they become, to determine if there's a problem with the trap , some are trap shy remember this time a year theres plenty of feed around, they might not be pressured that hard till the cubs get bigger,if you can stick a trail camera up that will give you a good heads up as to what's happening,

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whats the point of letting them get used to a trap

I put sand over the floor wire, and around the entrance to see what's turning up, by way of footprints some times it pays to fasten the door open and let them enter and take a bait a couple of times,to get used to it especially if it's a wary fox,but with the sand or soft soil you can see how close they become, to determine if there's a problem with the trap , some are trap shy remember this time a year theres plenty of feed around, they might not be pressured that hard till the cubs get bigger,if you can stick a trail camera up that will give you a good heads up as to what's happening,

whats the point of letting them get used to a trap ??????? if its in it ,its in it.
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whats the point of letting them get used to a trap

I put sand over the floor wire, and around the entrance to see what's turning up, by way of footprints some times it pays to fasten the door open and let them enter and take a bait a couple of times,to get used to it especially if it's a wary fox,but with the sand or soft soil you can see how close they become, to determine if there's a problem with the trap , some are trap shy remember this time a year theres plenty of feed around, they might not be pressured that hard till the cubs get bigger,if you can stick a trail camera up that will give you a good heads up as to what's happening,

whats the point of letting them get used to a trap ??????? if its in it ,its in it.


No point letting the fox pop in twice before you decide to catch it. time is money.

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I dig my traps into the ground, using the soil and sod to cover the inside of the cage floor, I've always used dead chickens for my bait, hang 1 in the back of the trap and dig a hole behind the trap and Bury a chicken with legs sticking out of the ground, usually the buried chicken is taken and within a few days bingo ! I set my traps on the travelling routes of the fox, usually hedgerows. Seems to work for me.

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Try using tinned cat food in a plastic bag hang it from roof the cheap stuff smells the most and I find it works well especially anywhere near urban areas and they have to tug it to get it so more chances of trap setting and you getting a result

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trapping can be very strange at times , know a farmer who had a live trap and had three adults in a week and the trap was so basic I couldnd believe it , they had too step on wire mesh before standing on the plate , mental really as I know places full of foxes and traps are A1 but they rarely catch ,...imo the bigger the cage the better , my mate has one on the shoot , you can walk in and those red ones are hard too catch in it , maybe because the food source around it ,......but the results from experience is they prefer the bigger traps ,.........but there are lots too weigh up , food source , numbers , location , bait etc etc

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