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Anschutz 1417 A Day Out!

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Well, the first days zero testing was a success! The first pic is 7 shots @ 100 yards and the second @ 70 yards. I'd say the HW100 would have trouble beating the 1417 even @ 35 yards! Very please with the 70 yard grouping, especially as the wind kept picking up :-)


Edited by David Aiken
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I set out some targets at 10 yard intervals - 50 to 100 yards. The groups started to open up after 80 yards. The 100 yard groups were good sometimes, not so good others. The wind really affects these relatively slow bullets.


The groups rose to the left because I had some 'crossover' on the scope, I've fixed that now. just for fun I checked how much drop there was - quite surprising.


PS. Anshutz 1417.




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Yep, totally agree. The drop and wind are to problematic for hunting at distance. Enough theoretical energy to take a Rabbit at 200 yards, but near imposable to preform. I have a well positioned bush which is 70 yards to the fence where most of the Rabbit appear, so meaning 95% of my shots can be taken at 50-60 yards but knowing I can stretch to 70 yards if need be.

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