Popular Post jigsaw 11,899 Posted May 17, 2015 Popular Post Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 (edited) 3 weeks ago to the day I took the lurchers for a stroll into a woodland that is extensively used by motor x fanatics and I expected to be devoid of any wildlife in the surrounding area due to the disturbance they make.I parked up at 8 a.m. and left the 3 beasts loose.We strolled away on the pathway that was well broken up from the tyres of the dirt bikes,gravel and fine sand was the order of the day and dense woodland for miles about.After half an hour we were climbing the hill and 3 dogs in tow right at my heels.It was my intention that I would walk an hour or more out and then about face and return the same way we had come.The mutts and I just about reached the top of the path way when my worst nightmare came to pass,a beasty shot across the fukin path in front of me.I made a dive to catch Sonic as he has the most drive between all the dogs and is the most experienced.I grabbed his tail but failed to hold him as he was just about to hit turbo power.And the bollix of a dog with his other 2 buddies dissapeared into the trees and was gone.I then of course started cursing and swearking as to why the fuk I came here for a stroll,why didnt I use the river walk,why didnt I stay in fukin bed. After 10-15 minutes the dog started to reappear ,Sally came back,Then Ozzy returned,they had run into a heavily fir tree populated place.10 more minutes no sign of Sonic,I was listening hard in case contact was made,but not a sound was heard.I started calling and whistling but still no sign.I was now getting kinda concerned.I walked to the top of the path and there was Sonic standing in the middle of the path,just staring at me.I called him.......NOT A BUDGE ....very strange for him as he is as obedient as a collie......once hes not giving chase to anything.Once in pursuit hes deaf blind and ignorant as fuk to everything else bar the object in front of him.I walked towards him and I noticed he looked very sheepish,strange expression on his face.I walked to him and spoke asking him what exactly he was doing.......strangely he never replied........... I had a look at him and noticed considerable blood stains on the back of his right rear leg,I went to the back of him and what I saw nearly made me vomit as you will now see from the photo...... this was the sight that greeted me,I hadnt a clue what to do,I was half an hour from the van,I couldnt carry him,he weighs like a small donkey,I clipped him on and turned him towards the van and very slowly walked him back down the hill.Now considering this was a BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND OVER HERE and no buisness was being done,and most people that could afford it had gone away for the weekend,I half expected this wound to be the demise of poor Sonic,a dog both my son Kevin and I had put our everything into,and tried to extract as much fun/sport and food out of in the time we had him...I was,I have to admit in a hell of a panic.I rang my vet and he answered,I explained to him the emergency I was faced with.He asked if I could forward a photo from my phone to him just to make sure I wasnt over exaggerating,hence the above photo.. He rang me back straight away and asked how long before I could reach his surgery,I said 35-45 minutes,asked is he bleeding profously,I said hes hardly bleeding at all,So it was arranged I get to him ASAP..After a while I reached the van,the next dilema was how the fuk I get him back into the van,but I did and he didnt whimper a sound,I took it he was gone into shock..........I KNOW I WAS ANYWAY ,lol I drove like the clappers and got to the vet,he brought him into the examination room and the 1st words from his lips were,and I kid you not''WHAT IN THE BEJAYSUS AM I GOING TO DO WITH THAT''?.......the next question he asked was''DO YOU WANT TO PUT HIM DOWN''?.......I said if he can be fixed I want him fixed,so he decided to take him straight to surgery...I went home waiting for a phone call from him later that evening.I went home to face Kevin,as its his dog.He bought that animal at 14 years of age out of his birthday money,we travelled 3 and a half hours each way to collect him.I was not feeling too good about myself I have to say.In fairness Kev took it well and understood shit happens.At 7 o clock that evening I got the call to say the dog was coming round and to go collect him.I drove to the surgery not knowing what was going to face me,Richard the vet left me in and we had a chat............He told me the leg muscle was cut straight through the centre and he did his best to put that right.He then told me his chances of ever running at full capacity again was suspect.I said I dont mind once he can get about and if we had to we would keep him as a house dog. I had to broach him on the subject of payment,as I didnt have any spare cash at that time and he was sound about it,Pay me before August he said,in instalments,in a lump sum,any way I wanted but not to worry for the moment.I took the patient home and we kept him on a duvet in the sitting room.He was well groggy still which was handy as it kept him calm." days passed and I noticed he was getting a crimson rash all over his lower gut.I rang the vet and he said get him back this evening,I did so and was told he had an infection and a bad one at that.Fuk me i thought,back into the fire.He decided to keep him overnight again,and gave him a morphine injection and up his antibiotics to a stronger level,the strongest he had.He said if these dont work fast,then Sonic was a gonner.I went home that evening and was not at all happy. Next day,another call from the vet,the dog is fine and to come collect him again,so back home he comes with a new supply of anti b's and a very a very sick dog he was. I gave him a 5 minute walk every day for 3 days to empty himself in both departments,and back to rest.He was a divil for trying to get at his stitches but with the collar and the family keeping a very close eye on him he never got to do any damage........well not until the very next morning,I came dowwn at 6.30 a,m, every morning to let him empty his bowels and bladder when I noticed he had burst most of his stitches,ffs.I rang the vet again and I had to return again with the dog.Richard the vet took one look and said he would have to be restitches and to let him overnight again.I was thinking on the way home the cost of this is going to be astronomical..........and me in between jobs for the last few weeks,but I didnt care on that side of things.So off home AGAIN for the 3rd time without the dog.Usual scenario,next day phone call,collect the dog,and home again.Staples and new stitches put in. Above is his new embroidery,lol So that was last Tuesday,and we were instructed to revisit for a general check up last Friday,Richard was pleased with his progress and in 10 days time we must go get the stitches out.We spoke of his chances of returning to the hunting game and he said the only way we will know if hes up to it is to run him next winter,if he does well he can run,if he doesnt he cant, we bought him a new t shirt for being such a good patient lol..............no,that was to stop him from chewing his stitches,lol hes back to form so to speak and his wound is healing well.I hope to jaysus he will be able to run again the way he used to and we get another 2-3 years of enjoyment from him.I have to say the vet was very fair with me and the bill in total is nothing near what I thought it might be,so Im happy on both accounts. These dogs can sure screw up your life at times,Thought you might be interested in this calamity of mine, Edited May 17, 2015 by jigsaw 20 Quote Link to post
Chicken_man 1,651 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Well, that's some story fella. I don't know how I would handle that situation, you did well :-). I hope he has a full recovery, and you get back hunting. All the very best :-) Quote Link to post
morton 5,368 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 It never surprises me how a lurcher heals and hunts again,ive had them in pieces and hunting again within 6 weeks,good luck mucker,seriously you won,t need it,best of. Quote Link to post
jigsaw 11,899 Posted May 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Thanks lads,I hope your right morton,its been a rollercoaster of emotions,worries and at times happiness,lol...and all over a friggen dog........how sad is that, Quote Link to post
dytkos 17,861 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Fecking hell Liam, epic, hope everything goes well for you after the effort you've made! Cheers, D. Quote Link to post
morton 5,368 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Thanks lads,I hope your right morton,its been a rollercoaster of emotions,worries and at times happiness,lol...and all over a friggen dog........how sad is that, The miles you put in,the fecking dog will be happy to take a rest,ive yet to meet a lurcher that was less resolute than its honest owner,chin up. Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,325 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 (edited) Dogs are a pain in the arse mate... This one has done something to his back end this morning, so if it doesn't ease up vets for a feckin x-ray tomorrow. Edited May 17, 2015 by mushroom Quote Link to post
peterbirdman1 206 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Hope he makes a full recovery. Witch i am sure he will Quote Link to post
s.e.s.k.u 1,893 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Hope he comes good for you. .looks well pissed off with himself. Atb sesku Quote Link to post
sandymere 8,263 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Glad he's coming along well, my youngster took a "little" gallop through a wood yesterday and I thought of your post across the way, got him insured last night... 1 Quote Link to post
jigsaw 11,899 Posted May 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 (edited) Dogs are a pain in the arse mate... This one has done something to his back end this morning, so if it doesn't ease up vets for a feckin x-ray tomorrow. this dogs defo a pain in the arse ......he cut it in half (his arse)as you can see I must admit if it was any other dog and the vet was trying to lean me to the put it to sleep direction I may have crumbled,except for the kelpie of course lo,shes another favourite,It gives me an excuse to concentrate on the new bitch and the young pup from Sonic now as well. son of Sonic ,,sounds like the title of a horror movie.......it could become one too with this little shit, http://vid67.photobucket.com/albums/h283/ld387/IMG_0222_zpsxmjvwqeq.mp4 I have high hopes for this bitch for next season,she showed a bit of class in one run at the end of februray. defo my 2 for next year,hopefully my 3 fingers crossed Edited May 17, 2015 by jigsaw 3 Quote Link to post
mad4it 695 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 sorry to hear about sonic hope he makes a full recovery Quote Link to post
skycat 6,174 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Jeez that's as bad as I've seen. Thumbs up to you for trying to save him: hope to God he does come right and have some quality of life. On the plus front, if it was only that muscle involved then maybe he'll be a bit alright: a very badly ruptured muscle would have a similar degree of scarring, and I've seen dogs with completely withered inner thigh muscles run fairly well ... in a straight line. Dogs are surely ten times as tough as us humans. Good luck. Quote Link to post
Qbgrey 4,171 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Bad cut that. What do you think done it? Fair play for getting it sorted that's a dog man right enough. Quote Link to post
tb25 4,627 Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Jig I seen this on another site a few weeks back..are things looking up mate..?.. Quote Link to post
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