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Not The Relaxing Stroll I Was Expecting But........

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3 weeks ago to the day I took the lurchers for a stroll into a woodland that is extensively used by motor x fanatics and I expected to be devoid of any wildlife in the surrounding area due to the dist

Too right Bosun.....   Running quarry in woodland has got to rank as amongst the most dangerous games to play...   Sometimes a dog can pull his target down in double quick time,..and then it is a

this dogs defo a pain in the arse ......he cut it in half (his arse)as you can see   I must admit if it was any other dog and the vet was trying to lean me to the put it to sleep direction I may h

Thanks lads,I hope your right morton,its been a rollercoaster of emotions,worries and at times happiness,lol...and all over a friggen dog........how sad is that,

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  On 17/05/2015 at 16:42, jigsaw said:

Thanks lads,I hope your right morton,its been a rollercoaster of emotions,worries and at times happiness,lol...and all over a friggen dog........how sad is that,

The miles you put in,the fecking dog will be happy to take a rest,ive yet to meet a lurcher that was less resolute than its honest owner,chin up.

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Dogs are a pain in the arse mate...


This one has done something to his back end this morning, so if it doesn't ease up vets for a feckin x-ray tomorrow.

Edited by mushroom
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  On 17/05/2015 at 16:53, mushroom said:

Dogs are a pain in the arse mate...


This one has done something to his back end this morning, so if it doesn't ease up vets for a feckin x-ray tomorrow.

this dogs defo a pain in the arse ......he cut it in half (his arse)as you can see :laugh:


I must admit if it was any other dog and the vet was trying to lean me to the put it to sleep direction I may have crumbled,except for the kelpie of course lo,shes another favourite,It gives me an excuse to concentrate on the new bitch and the young pup from Sonic now as well.




son of Sonic :laugh: ,,sounds like the title of a horror movie.......it could become one too with this little shit,




I have high hopes for this bitch for next season,she showed a bit of class in one run at the end of februray.




defo my 2 for next year,hopefully my 3 fingers crossed

Edited by jigsaw
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Jeez that's as bad as I've seen. Thumbs up to you for trying to save him: hope to God he does come right and have some quality of life. On the plus front, if it was only that muscle involved then maybe he'll be a bit alright: a very badly ruptured muscle would have a similar degree of scarring, and I've seen dogs with completely withered inner thigh muscles run fairly well ... in a straight line. Dogs are surely ten times as tough as us humans. Good luck.

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