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Think I Have A Sick Bird

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Guest Navek

Picked some. New birds up the other day. All the birds were fine healthy flying around chirping and singing but I've noticed one just sits on the floor all puffed up not moving just sitting there. What could cause this..it has no disgorge frame eyes or nostrils but it's poo was very watery ..

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It is ill mate and needs bring into the warm and some anti biotics getting into it (maybe baycox,but someone more in the know might help out with what one's best),but if the truth be known most birds die when they get like this..

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Guest Navek

Brought her in to the house in spare cage and coverd the cage with a blanket lastnite Had too go out this morning early so [BANNED TEXT] get back will check on her and fingers crossed she's picked up abit

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Guest Navek

Me and my girl bury it in back yard (her idea) All tho it's a shame the bird has passed I've been able use it as lesson for the young un as she will always have to be prepared that when having live stock there's always going to be dead stock sooner or later

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prevention better than cure...


Quite a lot of Canary breeders, treat there birds with antibiotics every Jan/Feb, so no nasties are past on to youngsters.


Sick birds can recover from illness after treatment, but it always seems to come back and get them in the end.

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