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Why was that guy sleeping with a gun in his hand ........

Two things   1. Instead of having 3 cats and hand guns wouldn't a £500 burglar alarm have been more effective?   2. I though the Chinese were heavily investing and taking over huge parts of Africa

If the powers that be are cute, which they are, then they will give them it back......you won't need a white government as the country will be starving inside 5 years of them taking over all the farms

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we lived in Africa and the blacks\kaffirs were more scared of dogs then guns.

Isnt that why the boerbel was bred to keep them feckers out?


yeah they were bred to guard farms, impressive dogs. We had one for a couple of months along with a Rottweiler and two german shepherds.

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Seriously and this is coming from me but do you think its because they're blick or cultural? :hmm:

neither imo


in their natural state,making small huts out of their own excrement,with only some basic stone tools,living as hunter gatherers they're fine.


no harm to anyone.


it's when we give them our technology things start to go wrong,when we bring them to our lands and expect them to adapt things go very wrong (for us).

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I think the more we let in anyone from East of the English channel and South of Dover, the more trouble our country is in. We will get our fair share of the mob floating over from Libya no matter what our Government says, they will just add to the problems we already have. Another load of primitive tribalists released on our streets to practice their own beliefs, rob, steal and break laws left right and centre. Female circumcision anyone?


So we're on the slippery slope to British cities turning into South African cities, with widespread murder, rapings, and home invasions? :hmm:


I'm wondering how brutal African crime is comparible to the UK.

Edited by ChrisJones
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I think the more we let in anyone from East of the English channel and South of Dover, the more trouble our country is in. We will get our fair share of the mob floating over from Libya no matter what our Government says, they will just add to the problems we already have. Another load of primitive tribalists released on our streets to practice their own beliefs, rob, steal and break laws left right and centre. Female circumcision anyone?


So we're on the slippery slope to British cities turning into South African cities, with widespread murder, rapings, and home invasions? :hmm:


I'm wondering how brutal African crime is comparible to the UK.



we are allowing hordes of Africans into Europe,many of whom will end up in England.


you aren't really confused as to how it all ties in now are you Christopher?

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only we won't have legal access to fire arms...


it's not worth thinking about the torture that couple would have been subjected to.

pity you didn't have 12g and few secs earlier , and blast a big hole through them . but your right they would have made there life hell if they hadn't run off . a dog a jack terrier, or gsd would have def. give warning that they were there and prob stopped them getting in, as they looked liked scum just after money for a next fix . :yes: not like your pro like burglar .!
According to the blurb of the vid, this happened in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

SA is not a good place to be a women, and an even worse one to be a white...

Home invasions, along with the associated rape and torture, are an everyday fact if life in urban areas of SA. So much so, that several places have their own private armed security forces.

If I lived in a place like that I would have big dogs and bigger guns...

A friend of mine moved to south Africa with his family but moved back after been broke into and robbed 7 times in just over two year.
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