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Snp To Oppose Hunting With Dogs Repeal

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I am a very passionate Scot , I have a big Scotland flag in my garden ,I have Scottish tattoo ,I drink whishy and have a tin of short bread in my cup board but im not blinkered I can see the SNP for w

whats the answer Labour/Snp open doors immigration more native un employment   Throw money at the jobless and make it even more likely they wont look for work

Just what I expected like many other SNP supporters who hunt shoot and fish up here

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Population of scotland about the same as the population of yorkshire, so why should anyone be bothered, majority of scots voted for snp without realising the far reaching consequences of their actions. nationalism and the braveheart bullshit bravado that some scots seem so hell bent on, will destroy what sport you have left, if left in control of sturgeon and her cronies, if that does happen please dont sit whinging this englishman wont have any sympathy.

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Anyone thinking that this applies to the ordinary Joe's with lurchers and terriers need to lay of the meth, if there's a vote on this you can bet it will be to do with hunting on horse back and things will remain the same regarding digging, lamping etc. Tories have no interest in working class folk, when will that sink in? :hmm::hmm:


Can't disagree with you about the Tories lack of interest in the working man but the vote will be for a repeal of the hunting ban, it'll go back to exactly how it was before 2004 :victory:

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I am a very passionate Scot , I have a big Scotland flag in my garden ,I have Scottish tattoo ,I drink whishy and have a tin of short bread in my cup board but im not blinkered I can see the SNP for what they are and I voted no in the referendum ...which all that vote done was split a country right down the middle and was a big ego trip for that Salmond ...the SNP will fuk this country all this nonsence about the oil money Ive been in the oil industry for 20 years and stay in a very aflluent part of Scotland due to the oil ....but there are lads getting paid off every day up here due to the oil price drop and I havent worked for over 3 months ....the oil money has gone the North Sea is dead.... as for the land reform the SNP are just turning it in to a class war and I can see a lot of my keeper friends being of a job cause of that mutt Sturgeon ....if you have rural interests I just cant understand how anyone voted SNP or maybe they watched Braveheart the night before

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