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Elkhound Are They Still Hunting Blood Lines

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hi for the southing U.S I was hoping maybe you all could help me with something I have been reading about I was reading about a dog that they called a elkhound and how they were bread to hunt mosse by there self I think most of the ones over here are pets and show dogs but I was wondering are there blood lines that are still used for hunting I also so were some times they were worked on a lease and they run quit leading the hunters to the game I think that could work prett good with us now we don't have mosse here but we have coyote and fox that bed down and the old people use to hunt them by tracking them in snow and I think the dog could help and we have a new law passed that led dogs be used for elk and deer so I have been trying to find everthing I can on the bred

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the elk hound was the one that I find about and I kind of like the way I read of how they were worked on a lead and used to bay up big game I think that it could be a good way for the game we have here

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So I was wondering if anyone knows about the training they do were the dog goes out find the moose and go back to the hunter and led the hunter to it

I have seen a few video's where they locate the Moose and bark enough to keep it distracted and in the spot. The Hunter then sneaks in and it's a Moose he/she wants they shoot it. This would be a lot of fun I think. Until you have to drag the Moose out that is.

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I thought the way I read it was the dog would go out to find one then lead the hunter to it

I don't know much about them mate but I'm pretty sure the time the dog found it got back to the hunter then got the hunter back the moose would be gone and the process would have to start over wouldn't a dog that could find and bay be better suited and aren't there plenty of American breeds doing that already

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He may be thinking of after the shot. Dead game guiding as opposed to dead dog baying. Where the dog locates to game then goes to guide the hunter physically to it.




Took 2 seconds to Google this one up. (I think this would be an excellent hunt.)


https://youtu.be/z7E876XdiMg The dogs point of view.

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