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New Gunsmith Apprentice

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Many years ago I applied for a apprenticeship with Webley and Scot, who'se factory at the time was over the road from West bromwich football ground this was in 1954 when I left school, I was accepted and the wage was to be £1.15 shillings a week I was over the moon as I had allways had a great interest how guns was made, when I got home my reception was a clip up the ear from my dad who said "thats no good you will after get a proper job with more money to bring home(I was the eldest son of 9 children and money was needed. so ended my chance of becoming a gunsmith. however my grandson Sam has been taken on by Westley Richards a bespoke gunmaker in B,ham, look at their blog and sam can be seen working, I am really chuffed he has managed to do what I could not.

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Hopefully you'll get some of the joy of the experience through your grandson,something to chat about that you both presumably have a passion for,good luck with it and maybe updates and pics would make interesting future posts...

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A shame you had to pass on the gun smith apprenticeship for money - you never forget i suppose.

An under keepers job was offered to me in 1978 - 16 yrs old and my mum hated the thought of me away in the wilds of Scotland, (her only child).

The sniffles and silence made me stay home and carry similar regrets.

My very best wishes to your Grandson Tron :yes:



Edited by mark williams
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Thanks fellers, I didnt say what young sam has to do to get to work each day. He has to rise at 6- 15am and after showering, having snap, he rides his pushbike 2.6 miles to Telford Central railway station, chaines his bike to the rack then catches the train to B,ham, from there he has a 20 minute walk to the factory!.My heart swells with pride with what he has to endure each day to get to and fro for his job, the money of course isnt much after taking out the train fares but he is still so keen with what he is learning from the time served gunsmiths, He has of course had his leg pulled unmercifully by the older guys, one of the tales they told him was one of the biggest caibre rifles they make to special order, a unusual .557 large quarry ie elephant, water buffalo, was also used to kill a giant species of a wild rabbit type of creature with horns and big teeth!!!. such was his faith in his more esteemed comrades he didnt believe me when I told him it was a wind up!! I shouldnt laugh too much after all I was told when I started work as a young centre lathe turner to be sent off to the stores for-- some striped paint!-for a long stand!, a bucket of sparkes! - chequered paint tFFSake!! I am smiling as I recall those occasions when I too was a young engineer!!.as a closer to Sams story, when I took Sam to Westley Richards for his job interview we were shown around the various departments where the different operations were carried out by the highly skilled workers, we were allowed to handle (With gloves) some of the superb examples of the guns they make, one rifle which was a masterpiece was made for a far eastern Prince for a price exceedind £300, 000. GULP yep nearly a third of a million pounds!!! young sam has even been allowed to fire (Under supervision) various calibre guns in the firing room. such is the value of the guns they make the works manager told us their order book was full for the next three years!!! remember here, they only make about 30 guns a year. Anyway thank you again chaps for your kind replies to my opening post, all the best to yourselves and families.

Edited by Tron
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