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Pigeon Decoying Over... Nothing?

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Hi all,


I may be asking an extremely stupid question here, but...


I have permission on a nursery of about 14 acres. As it's a nursery, they mainly grow their green veg in huge poly tunnels and green houses. There is a field at the back, but there never seems to be any growing going on, only occasionally throughout the year. They grow cabbage, corriander, kale, squash, pumpkins, tomatoes etc... So there are plenty of rabbits. However, I would love to get into the art of pigeon shooting and decoying. I spent Sunday there all day, and there was only two or three stray pigeons that flew over the field. At the moment, I don't think there is anything growing on the fields, and I know traditionally, pigeon decoyers set up over flailed maize, barley and rape. But, this nursery doesn't grow those sorts of crops - so, I was wondering, with the correct decoys, patterns and spread, do you think I could increase the number of pigeons that fly over the field, regardless of there being no food on the ground?


Pardon my ignorance, but what little knowledge I have of pigeon decoying comes from Sporting Gun, as none of my friends or family members are decoyers!


Thanks all

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You can decoy them on to grass fields mate, but you won't be getting big bags. Think the most I've had is about 16, but then I havnt done much decoying either really lol all my permissions are dairy and sheep.

Not looking for big bags to be honest - just looking for some good sporting! I'm going to head down to my local gun shop and buy a few pigeon decoys and set out an easy pattern. I'll let you know how I get on

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Ive a big field of barley over the boundry at one permission and the only time i see anybody shooting it is when its cut then the rest of the year theres nobody on that farm ive found i can decoy pigeons into a grass field on my side if i put out a big enough decoy pattern 30 /35 birds but once its cut it drys up and your lucky to get half a dozen

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If they grow sprouts the pigeons will sometimes feed heavily on them, really to get decoying to work well you do need a food source they are used to eating anyway, you do the reccon, find the birds then decoy in that area generally but you may pull a few down if you have a nearby flightline.

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If they grow sprouts the pigeons will sometimes feed heavily on them, really to get decoying to work well you do need a food source they are used to eating anyway, you do the reccon, find the birds then decoy in that area generally but you may pull a few down if you have a nearby flightline.

They do occasionally grow sprouts. At the moment I think they are growing broad beans and aubergines on the fields, do you reckon the pigeons will go for that?

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  • 2 weeks later...

We gave it a go yesterday and it was crap pulled singletons in but twos and bunches were having none of it it was like they where on a mission to be somewhere , but the amount in gardens or on the verdges trying to find something to eat was unbelievable

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