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Riots In London

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Nah rioting is bad everybody should just bend over and take it like a man, after all it's what you voted for :whistling: We've got food banks popping up everywhere and working people being squeezed for every penny they have while the bankers dance around their banquets laughing and all folk are concerned about is a f***ing war memorial, there's what's wrong with your country right there. Personally I hope the rioting carry's on and we see scenes like the Poll tax riots from the 80's. People need to get angry if there's any hope of change. No change ever came about from folk sitting on their arses....viva the revolution I say :victory:

That " f***ing war memorial " as you put it , they Died so shitehouses like that could have the freedom to protest !
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Yeah big brave boys, painting f*ck Tory Scum on a war memorial.   Proper respect that...   W*nkers

them cnuts that defaced a war memorial want birching disrespectful scum I could imagine the headline if someone connected with fieldsports had done that

Was ojna day out yesterday and saw them all gathering up ready to go, was just a bunch of died haired faggots in leggings and lip pearced hippy dykes.nothing more annoying than c**ts like that defaci

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Nah rioting is bad everybody should just bend over and take it like a man, after all it's what you voted for :whistling: We've got food banks popping up everywhere and working people being squeezed for every penny they have while the bankers dance around their banquets laughing and all folk are concerned about is a f***ing war memorial, there's what's wrong with your country right there. Personally I hope the rioting carry's on and we see scenes like the Poll tax riots from the 80's. People need to get angry if there's any hope of change. No change ever came about from folk sitting on their arses....viva the revolution I say :victory:

You no dead yet!

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More violent protests planned after war memorial defaced

Anti-cuts groups plan major protest for June 20, with violent factions already threatening trouble


An injured police officer is helped by a colleague during clashes with demonstrators at the gates of Downing Street Photo: Reuters


By David Barrett, Home Affairs Correspondent

5:24PM BST 10 May 2015

A new wave of anti-Conservative protests is due to bring the capital to a standstill after a violent demonstration saw a war memorial defaced.

A protest group is organising further marches in London’s financial centre with other demos also expected in other towns and cities across Britain.


Graffiti pictured on The Women of World War II monument following an anti-austerity protest (PA)

The largest event will gather at the Bank of England on June 20, with violent factions already threatening to overtake the peaceful protest.

One anarchist group warned it would “raise hell”, with supporters pledging to commit violence and arson.

A group calling itself Reclaim the City said it would bring violence to the peaceful protest being organised by the group End Austerity Now.

“Time to raise hell in London, our voice is ignored year after year so now is the time to make them afraid and make real change happen for us all,” said Reclaim the City’s Facebook page.

One commenter on Facebook said: “We will need to be violent and burn the buildings!! This will end austerity!!!”


Police officers raise their batons as a smoke bomb goes off at the gates of Downing Street (Rex)

It came after the Women of World War II memorial in Whitehall was daubed with graffiti saying “F*** Tory Scum” at the weekend.

Fifteen arrests were made after four police officers and one member of police staff were hurt in violent scuffles.

Chief Superintendent Gerry Campbell, of the Metropolitan Police, said: "We have launched an investigation into criminal damage to the Women in World War II memorial.

“This crime is particularly abhorrent considering we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of VE Day.”

Fourteen of the people arrested have been bailed to return to police stations in July pending further inquiries and a 24-year-old man suspected of assaulting a police officer remained in custody.

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