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Bitch I had at 8 months keeps shitting and pissing in kitchen overnight (she's confined to kitchen). Might be fine for a week then bad 3nights on trot. No pun intended. Had her about 6 wks now. Any definitive tips I've not tried.


Have taken water away at night

Have bollocked her when she does it

Praise her when she shits out


Rinse and repeat!

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Don't bollock her, she isn't doing it to annoy you. Feed her early, take her out last thing and stay out with her until you see her shit and piss, then into the crate. Sounds like you will have to go back to puppy basics with her. How old is she now, and how long have you had her? If you got her at 8 months, sounds like she wasn't house broke properly when you got her, and to be honest if you do it properly from day one it should only take a couple of weeks

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There's no point bollocking a dog when you come down in the morning: dog will only associate you for getting angry and hasn't a clue why. If you have only had the bitch a few weeks and she hasn't been house trained, why are you surprised if she's messing? Stress can also make a dog mess even if it had previously been house trained> change of home, change of diet. Removing water from a dog is not sensible, especially if you are feeding a dry complete food as it can lead to kidney problems and dehydration.


What are you feeding? What time of day? How was the bitch living before you got her? In or out? Does she have any other issues that you have noticed?

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Feeding her twice bit in morn majority in evening.


Think I've just got to get her fed earlier at night? been around half 7 by time were back from fields at the min. Might feed her before we go out from now on.


Crate will be on the shopping list

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Better to feed her later: the earlier in the evening you feed her, the more likely she will be to need to crap in the night, though if she is stressed or worried in any way (might well be as in a new home) that will cause her system to react accordingly. Also, if you are feeding a cereal-based complete food she will need to crap a lot more than if you are feeding her a meat-based complete or raw diet.

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Yeh not on a raw diet. Meat n veg with a bit of dry. Occasionally brown bread aswell. She's well settled in now been about 6-8wks. So keep the later feeding and short walk before I go up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

All of the above, and from my own experience.....


Establish a bedtime routine, like you would with a small child. Use the same trigger phrase, at the same time ( roughly) each night, to signal that the day is over. Stay outside with her and don't let her back in until she's produced the goods. Then put her away and don't disturb her again til morning.


And definitely use a crate at night, but leave it open during the day, so it becomes her 'den'.

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A couple of things I always found helped was giving the command for a pish ie ascoiate when they look like there going for a pee give them a command like go for a pish only when your out side and give praise every time they go for a pish on command you would be surprised how we'll it can work with young pups and take up smoking outside I've never had much trouble with toilet training cos usally have about 6 smokes a night so letting the dogs out every hour is handy just make sure the garden is dog escape proof

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