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Recommened Pellet Size For The Hw100 / Jsb .177

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Hi all smile.gif

I was just wondering what the most recommened/popular size is for the JSB brand for the HW100 in .177 format. IE : 4.50 / 4.51 / 4.52 / 4.53.

To date, I have stuck with Air arms fields, but lately I have noticed an increase in the amount distorted pellet skirts per tin, and have read that the JSB's are a better buy, just as accurate as the AA Fields with a lot less damaged pellets per tin.

Any advice appreciated lads,

John confused.gif

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Try a sample pack of each from pellet perfect, it's the only proper way to find out. I think there's also some kind of pellet swap thread on here? I've got some 4.52's you can have a sample of, infact I'm going to get the full sample jsb range of .177 exacts so I'll send you the left overs if you can wait a week or two ;)

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Every barrel is different, so you'll just have to suck it and see. I use the JSB Test tin for new rifles, which contains 50 of each Exact head size, plus Exact Heavies, RS, etc.


AA DFs and JSB Exacts are similar, but from what I understand, a different die is used for the AAs, so they have slightly different characteristics -- same goes for Weihrauch pellets.

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