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I have not been to a boot sale for over a year, but as I was on my way to work this morning Something was telling me to go in. In I went and had a quick look around, nothing but clothes and toys as per. I was about to leave and decided to have another walk around when a woman was putting this out.




I asked her how much, and she told me that the screen at the back was broken,




Knowing what they are worth I thought even getting that repaired it still may be a cheap DSLR if I could get it repaired. The problem was I did not know how much the screen will cost to repair, so I would have to cautious on what I paid for it.


So after looking through the box and a few items were missing, That I went to great pains to point out., Driver view disc no lens cover, I asked her how much, "would a tenner be all-right" she replied? I nearly bit her hand off, but the old boot sale buyer in me came to the surface, so I asked her would she take a fiver? I also pointed out that the charger had no lead and I did not know if the camera actually worked. I nearly fell through the floor when she said yes. :victory::toast: :toast: :toast:


I still don't know if it is working yet, battery is on charge as I type this.



One very happy.



Edited by tiercel
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  On 10/05/2015 at 11:56, rex26 said:

Is it the actual screen that's broke or the plastic screen cover? If it's only the plastic cover about £4 tops and the main lcd screen your looking around the £30 mark :thumbs:

Not really sure but it's not working, but I just found this on ebay




So that does not seem too bad at all.



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