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Watership down ....gets me every time

I watched American sniper the other week is the best iv seen in a longtime but my all time fave has got to be the good the bad and the ugly

Can I really be the only person to like....   BEETLE JUICE!!!

Watched all the Indiana jones films the other week hadn't seen them since I was a kid, enjoyed them as much now as I did then.


Anyone seen Oldboy? The original Korean film not the American remake. Its an amazing revenge film. Also as someone mentioned above Dead Mans Shoes, got to be one of the best films Ive seen.

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Watched all the Indiana jones films the other week hadn't seen them since I was a kid, enjoyed them as much now as I did then.


Anyone seen Oldboy? The original Korean film not the American remake. Its an amazing revenge film. Also as someone mentioned above Dead Mans Shoes, got to be one of the best films Ive seen.

Yes Oldboy is a fantastic film......second in the Vengence trilogy, have you seen them all?

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Watched all the Indiana jones films the other week hadn't seen them since I was a kid, enjoyed them as much now as I did then.


Anyone seen Oldboy? The original Korean film not the American remake. Its an amazing revenge film. Also as someone mentioned above Dead Mans Shoes, got to be one of the best films Ive seen.

Yes Oldboy is a fantastic film......second in the Vengence trilogy, have you seen them all?


Yeah mate got them all on dvd. Like Oldboy best then Lady Vengeance then Sympathy For Mr Vengeance.

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An old one from when I was a kid ive rewatched with my son is "The Goonies" great kids adventure film, also from similar era ill have to watch again is "Stand By Me".

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psst Chris...you might recognise a few shots in this film, a few in stockport, the canal scene was miles platting, the gasometer was/is behind the etihad and the shop the puff worked in was infront..Shelagh wrote when she was 18, died the other yr.. Morrisey hoisted lots of lines from it for his first album



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Warrior with Tom Hardy was a decent film. Anything with Tom Hardy is usually decent, only one I couldn't get into was Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.


The new Batman trilogy was pretty good too.

the only one I was disappointed with was lock. hoping mad max doesn't disappoint. Another good one with him in is rocknrolla.

some others I can watch over


the fighter

the prestige


see no evil hear no evil

Haven't seen Locke.


Talking about Mad Max reminds me of a couple other dystopian genre films from a few years back, Waterworld and The Postman. I was a kid when I watched them, I remember really liking them but have no idea if they are any good really. Have to watch them again.


I watched locke last night... and taught is was shit, its bacially about a bloke driving from one part of England to the other answering phone calls

I wouldn't recommend it :thumbdown:

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Warrior with Tom Hardy was a decent film. Anything with Tom Hardy is usually decent, only one I couldn't get into was Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.


The new Batman trilogy was pretty good too.

the only one I was disappointed with was lock. hoping mad max doesn't disappoint. Another good one with him in is rocknrolla.

some others I can watch over


the fighter

the prestige


see no evil hear no evil

Haven't seen Locke.


Talking about Mad Max reminds me of a couple other dystopian genre films from a few years back, Waterworld and The Postman. I was a kid when I watched them, I remember really liking them but have no idea if they are any good really. Have to watch them again.


I watched locke last night... and taught is was shit, its bacially about a bloke driving from one part of England to the other answering phone calls

I wouldn't recommend it :thumbdown:


that was exactly what I thought, like sitting in the car with my dad for a day. maybe we missed something :hmm:

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