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I was in conversation with a close friend earlier about foxes their lifestyle etc. Anyway he mentioned cups of human urine were used around pheasant pens to keep foxes away and it worked. Apparently they detest the smell of human urine. Never heard of it before and I've no reason to doubt the him either, as there's not many about with the knowledge he has. I'm only posting just out of interest btw. May lead to a decent discussion. The only way I know to repel them is with a terrier lol.

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I was asked more than once for 'top' predator shit to repel cats & foxes when I worked at a zoo......the shit of tigers, lions & hyenas apparently worked around gardens, chicken pens etc.....

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I never found any of those to work. My last house was plagued by foxes so my son and I both tried the urine method. Didn't deter the foxes one bit and our garden smelt of pish. :laugh:

It works better if it's got a high level of testosterone in it mate , Piss with oestrogen will only attract them ?
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When I worked for a keeper as a youngster we were always encouraged to piss around the release pens and never close to snares or traps. I think the stink of piss and getting voltage through the nose helped to put them off.

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There was a debate about this on one of the poultry forums with one woman even admitting to having buckets of her fermenting piss to keep ol' charlie away.

It was a favourite with old timers but IMO it doesn't work.

It might have worked when everymans hand was against the fox but nowadays the fox encounters human scent on an every days basis and is not afraid to enter a yard or a shed.

Anyone who lives in the countryside and has a yard of fowl will at some stage taken a leak outside because they couldn't be bothered running in to the loo and does it stop the fox ?

Not in my opinion.

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When I worked for a keeper as a youngster we were always encouraged to piss around the release pens and never close to snares or traps. I think the stink of piss and getting voltage through the nose helped to put them off.

Funny enough that's how the conversation came about. There's a fox causing a bit of bother in a small patch of land close to two main roads in dense undergrowth. There's a trap set at the minute and I see him regularly in the mornings but he hasn't went near the trap or the free meal that has been left outside it for encouragement? That's when the urine scenario was mentioned, just incase I'd urinated close to it without knowing of the implications, which I hadn't. He's in the area just can't get him in the trap or even close to it for some reason, i haven't had the dogs near the spot either and when I check it every afternoon I just have a juke at it from a distance so there's no scent around it to deter it, hasn't made a difference and I set it last Wednesday night.
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Had a debate over this some years ago with a old git he use to piss the hang socks full of sweeping from the barbershop around the pens

I put some snares fox after fox I got always did say he was full of sh$t

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I remember years ago my grandad would put a scare crow up in a lambing feild and every time he went past it while looking the sheep he would piss on it he swears it worked but i was to young to rmember if it did or not.

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That's was the norm for checking the pens. My grandad would send me to go take a piss on the pop holes while he pissed on another one. The things you do to save pheasants....lol

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Years ago several things used to work. Now we have built on so much land, with Housing and rural Industrial Units and obviously Barn conversions etc. I doubt there is much that works to deter Pests like Foxes. Particularly, Human odours, with the advancement of Weatherproof clothing for walkers and busy bodies with their mutts running around, the opening up of Bridle Paths, Green Lanes and Rambling routes also makes the Country side less wild. I saw a clip once where the guy was trying to get rid of a Fox trying to kill Chickens in front of him, with his dog giving it welly too. It took a while. In some places the Countryside is all to feck, it seems.


With Traps and snares, milk the next couple Foxes you get and Bottle it, sprinkle around and ON the Trap or Snare. See if it works, it has for me..............I think, lol.

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I was in conversation with a close friend earlier about foxes their lifestyle etc. Anyway he mentioned cups of human urine were used around pheasant pens to keep foxes away and it worked. Apparently they detest the smell of human urine. Never heard of it before and I've no reason to doubt the him either, as there's not many about with the knowledge he has. I'm only posting just out of interest btw. May lead to a decent discussion. The only way I know to repel them is with a terrier lol.

The best ever fox repellant is wire,especially if it is made into a loop,lead works but is time consuming,terriers work well enough,yet they need to find them,wire works 24hrs a day,even if you piss on it.

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