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Lifting The Ban

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Did the ban stop anyone in the first place? I think the good lads kept there head down and the idiots got caught posting on facebook, it would be nice not to have to make two trips for one session tho

Your having a laugh NO they won't lift the ban tory lieing scum

I know what you mean mate, but I heard from a farmer not so long ago that the annual hare shoot last year at Sandringham accounted for about 900 hares, it made me wonder how many other estates have ma

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I don't do politics as I don't understand why they are allowed to lie to get votes and then the people they lie too still vote them in to power...I cant see them ever lifting the hunting ban for so many reasons..

If they allow hunting foxes they wont have the numbers of police to watch every hunt in the country to keep the sabs under control.....

If they allow coursing they wont have the numbers of police to follow up every report from the farmers of illegal trespass...



The case against the hunting ban being lifted is bigger now than it was at the start because the anti hunt types have had many years to organise them selves and they have gained some very prominent figures to help there cause...

The pro hunt lobbyists have fallen behind, not that they haven't tried but there up against a brick wall because unlike the antis they've tried too mostly stay within the law...

Now is the time all the pro hunters should be getting in the faces of the politicians so the lifting of the ban can gain momentum....


I hope im wrong as I work four lurchers and id like to work them as a team, but I just cant see it happening.. They might remove a few restrictions but they wont ever allow it as it was..


This is just my opinion guys..

Doing nothing is not an option on this one even if it's just using the link to your pm put up on here as for the antis and there prominent figures well like him or not priminister David Cameron is about as prominent as we can get

With all the views this topic has had I'd be dissapointed if every one that's viewed it hasn't contacted there pm except of course the antis that we know are out there watching this site !

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i will bet the countryside alliance will organise a big march i will keep you all posted on here

Needs to happen 100%


+1 on that i would say that it needs to be on the opening of parliment

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I don't do politics as I don't understand why they are allowed to lie to get votes and then the people they lie too still vote them in to power...I cant see them ever lifting the hunting ban for so many reasons..

If they allow hunting foxes they wont have the numbers of police to watch every hunt in the country to keep the sabs under control.....

If they allow coursing they wont have the numbers of police to follow up every report from the farmers of illegal trespass...



The case against the hunting ban being lifted is bigger now than it was at the start because the anti hunt types have had many years to organise them selves and they have gained some very prominent figures to help there cause...

The pro hunt lobbyists have fallen behind, not that they haven't tried but there up against a brick wall because unlike the antis they've tried too mostly stay within the law...

Now is the time all the pro hunters should be getting in the faces of the politicians so the lifting of the ban can gain momentum....


I hope im wrong as I work four lurchers and id like to work them as a team, but I just cant see it happening.. They might remove a few restrictions but they wont ever allow it as it was..


This is just my opinion guys..

Being negative just cant help in any way..I know its your opinion but despondency spreads like disease. Lets just give it everything wev got,but make sure its a repeal we get.

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i think the snp will vote then its all gone to pot see what happens


They still have to negotiate with Cameron on more devolution powers, maybe this is why the repeal is being pushed along by Westminster.

I'd like to think he could lean on them to not vote in return for more favourable negotiations down the line?


Do the antis realise you can still hunt with a full pack in Scotland, providing there's a few guns there?

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i think the snp will vote then its all gone to pot see what happens

Have a look at that Facebook page 'stop the cull' looks like their trying their hardest. Absuloute idiots, there well and truly deluded morons
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Never underestimate the opposition, No doubt the tree huggers and Lacs are deluded and havent got a scooby about country pursuits . The same goes probably for 80% of the public at large. Its for the pro hunters and allied sports to counter the absurd and crass claims being put out in the media and on the web by the antis. They are past masters of public manipulation and have the contacts and resources to get their negative and distorted views prominently displayed . Consistant pressure and unity from our side needs to maintained in order to get the repeal. A well organised ,peaceful March in support of the repeal needs to be organised ASAP, lads who are useful on the video camera should also film it for posterity as you can rest assured the Antis will attempt the usual violence and intimidation to disrupt the March. Keep the pressure on the MP,,s by the e-mails and letters. If you know farmers and gamekeepers in favour of the repeal ask them to Contact their MP,s as it the landowners and game keepers that the Lacs try to say are the ones who suffer from us hunting, its time to steal their thunder and get the support of the ones who as hunters we have a partnership with.

Edited by desertbred
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i think the snp will vote then its all gone to pot see what happens

Have a look at that Facebook page 'stop the cull' looks like their trying their hardest. Absuloute idiots, there well and truly deluded morons


not on fb mate but i know how stupid these people are i was speeking to one of the anti,s a couple of years back at a hunt i was at there not right in the head

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One thing about the repeal hunting ban is although perhaps we would be able to pursue are sports without looking over our shoulders. Due to the increased publicity and the supposed reinstatement of hunting with dogs to the public there would be a huge rise in antis who would permanently pester and inhibit are actions.

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The CA since the ban have organised an annual Festival Of Hunting at Peterborough Showground each July cant that be adapted to hold a show of strength? not free to get in but quite central and close to motorway entrance fees to help CA

Y.I.S Leeview

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I don't do politics as I don't understand why they are allowed to lie to get votes and then the people they lie too still vote them in to power...I cant see them ever lifting the hunting ban for so many reasons..

If they allow hunting foxes they wont have the numbers of police to watch every hunt in the country to keep the sabs under control.....

If they allow coursing they wont have the numbers of police to follow up every report from the farmers of illegal trespass...



The case against the hunting ban being lifted is bigger now than it was at the start because the anti hunt types have had many years to organise them selves and they have gained some very prominent figures to help there cause...

The pro hunt lobbyists have fallen behind, not that they haven't tried but there up against a brick wall because unlike the antis they've tried too mostly stay within the law...

Now is the time all the pro hunters should be getting in the faces of the politicians so the lifting of the ban can gain momentum....


I hope im wrong as I work four lurchers and id like to work them as a team, but I just cant see it happening.. They might remove a few restrictions but they wont ever allow it as it was..


This is just my opinion guys..

I'm not sure I agree. I don't think that laws are decided in regard to how well they can be enforced by the police , rather the other way round! But if that was in fact the case then it is plain that the police currently have enough officers to pursue illegal coursers so why is that going to change?

Likewise, they can currently provide what they consider to be sufficient men to watch every hunt and once again, why should that change?


Just get writing to your mp, do what you can. You say you want to work all your dogs, well do your bit pal, don't just say it will never happen try your best to make sure it does

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