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What Do You Lot Do With Your Dogs In The Summer?

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Just wondering what everyone on here does fitness wise with there dogs when you don't hunt them.

I just road walk mine and stick them on the lure if the ground isn't too hard, and when I can let him have a run around the fields.

But other than that I let mine rest and recover from the season.


Do you lot do anything in particular?

Or have any advice for me as I have only been running my dog for the last 2 seasons.

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Work them ... Me and the mutts don't like the cold

Mooching trough out they year for bunny's and birds..we won't be putting no dent in the population so that's does us..

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  On 08/05/2015 at 08:23, tb25 said:

Mooching trough out they year for bunny's and birds..we won't be putting no dent in the population so that's does us..

Im the same as you pal ill mooch all year and where I am is over run with rabbits you wouldn't believe it And its on common land an every cnut and his wife hunt it but jus cant get the numbers down its like for every one you kill ten appears

Edited by peterhunter86
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Out every morning, ratching the local fields, not hunting just letting the dogs run about work a bit of cover where they cant kill, I also relax the feeding and allow them to put a little weight on, I go to shows for the crack, dont show lurcher but got a whippet pup and will show it, I go to lure racing once a week for crack as well, time for chilling and enjoying the summer, will be starting the whippet pup off, letting it catch a couple ready for September. DIY time on the kennels and aviary, breed a few birds and do not a lot...well just enough to keep her indoors quiet.

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Let mine rest for good month or so let niggles heal . And try let them mentally chill as the season has been rather hectic , take em fishing with me and just chill time. Then start ramping stuff up august with swimming and take em jogging with me and stuff.

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I run mine down the creeks close to the water and mostly at night when its cooler. But here where I live it can be 80 at night and 100% humidity so ya kinda gotta be careful. Coldest and hottest place on earth except maybe Iowa in my opinion. This state sux!

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  On 08/05/2015 at 09:26, paulsmithy83 said:

Let mine rest for good month or so let niggles heal . And try let them mentally chill as the season has been rather hectic , take em fishing with me and just chill time. Then start ramping stuff up august with swimming and take em jogging with me and stuff.

+2 just chill with them , let them rest :yes: . then about mid July start bike work with my younger dog 30 mile a week , nice and steady just to open his lungs up a bit and bit of stamina , stop in mid august to start lamping etc. :thumbs:

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