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Some Old Pics Of Me Banties

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No cant have chooks where i am the pics are from the 90s do miss emattachicon.gifImage13.jpg

I live in middle of posh housing estate ,it's mix of social housing and homes that cost hundreds of thousands,I've had trio of seramas in run on lawn,just let them out after school run,cockerel wasn't that loud,I've had hybrid lf hens and Banty hens in garden,lol
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Quite like the look of seremas or maybe dutch .always wanted trio of modern game aswell.Only got small garden here .the pics were in newcross cant get much more built up ! But gardens were huge .also here are huge numbers of foxes.nearly stroked one thought it was neighbours cat laying on the wall.didnt budge got no fear of men round here.Had an attack local that made papers.

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No cant have chooks where i am the pics are from the 90s do miss emattachicon.gifImage13.jpg

I live in middle of posh housing estate ,it's mix of social housing and homes that cost hundreds of thousands,I've had trio of seramas in run on lawn,just let them out after school run,cockerel wasn't that loud,I've had hybrid lf hens and Banty hens in garden,lol


Im like you with were I live and my back garden is about the size of a decent kitchen I had to get rid of my chooks pigeons and two of my dogs when I moved in and it doesn't look like I'll be getting an aviary any time soon

Edited by peterhunter86
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