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If folk think some pics are helping end the earth working of a terrier then wait till there's footage of what goes on under the sod as any film would look and sound a whole lot worse than it is that's for bloody sure.. :yes:

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Well,at least the terriers might have more common sense than some of the idiots who seem to hold cameras around digs nowadays.

Mind you, it's only a matter of time 'till someone puts a trail type camera in an artificial, when someone does I hope common sense is used.

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i take it you dont use facebook neil

Funny you should say that. I said to a few lads lately that I might start looking at FB.

They told me not to bother as I'd just loose the head, LOL, apparently the damage that assholes are doing to hunting on there is serious.

I think I'll leave it alone.

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i take it you dont use facebook neil


Funny you should say that. I said to a few lads lately that I might start looking at FB.

They told me not to bother as I'd just loose the head, LOL, apparently the damage that assholes are doing to hunting on there is serious.

I think I'll leave it alone.

you whuld blow a gasket mate hahaha

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I suppose all the moaners on here have never put a bad pic up ,have never allowed pics to be used in books or done anything detrimental to the sport .Lose the f***ing halos ffs its getting boring like most of the threads on here now .We are not ashamed ,we will never stop ,we will never bow to those who want to finish us so stop wallowing in self pity and enjoy what we do .

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