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Diana/milbro G80 .22 Project

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Hello all,


My first time posting up a project so here goes.. be gentle lol!!


So I got a Diana\milbro G80 stamped 78. 7 so I assume this is july 1978, I have read into the history of the rifles and have heard reviews comparing them to British layland at its worst to a very underestimated rifle.. I decided to make my own judgment.


SO firstly I grabbed it stuck in the stock (after a long wait as parcel force48 only work mon-tue-weds apparently) and threw 40 odd pellets through as quick as possible RWS super domes. not bad shooting quietly, very quietly but cocking like there is a crisp packet inside and the recoil seems all weird not smooth at all..



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I started off with 80 grit and worked up to 240 took forever but lovely and smooth no marks and the grain looks great.. anyone any idea on this wood? I am a bit of a novice when it comes to all this


But before I stripped the stock I wacked back in the action and took a few test shots well happy with that at 29 yards!!! the 10p are JSB's and the 20p is HTT power, have asked a few people about these and in all honesty I was just using up the tin but a group like that, for me, I am buying more!!


And now am just waiting on her final coat to dry and then it will be out after a few bunnies to really see in the next few days !!!


safe to say I will be doing this again, might not be shop worthy lol but I am well happy and it shoots sweet, almost forgot I am gonna give this away to get a mate into shooting.. but I would get into it if some one gave me this!!!


Sorry about the multiplue posts and bad pics.. first go will add one when its all dry and ready to get out there!


Atb a very happy Ade :) :) :)









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We used to shoot on the local tip as youths around the summer of 1976. I had either the BSA Mercury or Airsporter,Kev` had the old HW 35, Big Bird had the Diana G80.

Many a rat was shot with the G80 as was with the others, - memories of the fun we had.

Looking good Ade.



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Thanks gents! I will reblue It but to be honest I am having so much fun shooting it I don't wanna take it out of action haha! I have a few pics of it finished apart from the blurring will stick up later.. One question though I have removed the front site and its left a hole right through to the barrel.. It's not effecting accuracy which I thoought it would.. Any suggestions on filling it? And does anyone know was the writing originally gold? As I saw a cool kit on flea bay

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