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At what age do you reckon a dog is too old to be taught recall?


If your having problems,,,, put the dog on a long line,,,,20 meteres or longer in a field ,,and keep recalling it every few mins,,, make sure you use the same command all the time,,, if it doesn't come to you on its own gently pull it in,,, then praise and repeat,,, and repeat,, and repeat

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Recall is a real important thing...

Without a reliable recall,...you generally end up in trouble... :blink:



Food is often the key...

I have found most dogs respond extremely well to treats :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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Recall can really begin whatever the age. Some dog`s are naturally suited to the recall other`s more of a free spirit but recall really starts when the dog is surrounded by distractions such as other dogs. Every dogs different some learn easily others it must be taken over a period of time or parrot fashion as i term it.Often ive heard people scoff at offering titbits to encourage the recall & i have never understood that, iam no stranger to having a bag of tit bits of cheese when i need to reinforce a quicker recall. However if the dog is mature ,has been allowed to run riot by a poor handler or simply left in a kennel with little or no training you are up against it.Simple basics of the recall is that the dog wants to come back to you & realises your the boss to be obeyed but you must have some form of reciprocity.Often with an older dog it is simply can be the problem of a owner/handler that is bigger than any problem with the dog. However we keep running dogs & a mature dog may have no notion of the recall but it will have a very real notion of the chase & this can blow up from a problem to an incident in seconds. Best of luck but without recall you really have nothing :thumbs:

Edited by optimus
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My dog at the moment has two sorts of response to recall there is the zoom back flat out because there a treat or toy on offer and he wants to return or the begrudging trudge back where he would rather be doing some thing else regardless of what treat I have for him but his doing as I told him. I have been pleased to see the latter response lately because hopefully I can build on it so when there are distractions he still returns. Long way to go with him yet and I mean a long way :laugh: Most of the learning is me learning how to learn him

Edited by terryd
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Recall is a real important thing...

Without a reliable recall,...you generally end up in trouble... :blink:



Food is often the key...

I have found most dogs,.( a bit like myself :laugh: )...respond extremely well to treats :thumbs:





My pup decided to get a bit of sudden deaf syndrome the other week. Hadn't took treats out with me since he been about 4 1/2 months, he is 8 months now. Took a bit of cheese with me and his hearing made a full recovery there and then. Sometimes back to basics works a treat. :thumbs:

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At what age do you reckon a dog is too old to be taught recall?


If your having problems,,,, put the dog on a long line,,,,20 meteres or longer in a field ,,and keep recalling it every few mins,,, make sure you use the same command all the time,,, if it doesn't come to you on its own gently pull it in,,, then praise and repeat,,, and repeat,, and repeat


try changing the dogs name and recal it with a new one,,it could have become acustomed to just ignoring its old name

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Recall is the very basic of having any sort of control over your dog or the basis of any future relationship between you and your dog in the field. Tell you what i find to be startling,is that ihave watched so many owner`s who time & again simply fail at the recall training of dog`s they have owned since they were pup`s, yet i can watch on the tv someone who has trained sealion`s to juggle beach ball`s!!!! From the beginning i like to spend time with a litter & watch the pup that appeal`s to me & i to it. This is the only advice i freely give, MAKE SURE YOU LIKE YOUR DOG & IT LIKE`S YOU. Even when your going through a sticky patch in training that reciprocity make`s life so much easier for both of you. Certainly i have had many day`s when it seemed that my claim`s of owning a well trained dog went right out the window & almost alway`s it was in public :thumbs:

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