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Anyone Got A Beard?

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Whats with these great big Grizzly Adams type beards that seem to of become fashionable lately........Canary Wharf seems to of gone from smooth faced yuppy type pretty boys in suits to hillbilly mount

I can see a canny resemblance between Laird Rake and Alan from "The Hangover" ha ha      :)

I was thinking more Simon Pegg?

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As a barber, I will tell you they are now "out" of fashion. I grew mine to about an inch long but the Mrs hated it. Shaved it off couple months back. If you do decide to grow it you gotta keep up with the trips to the barbers to keep it in shape else it'll just look grizzly Adams shite! Plus everyone said I looked like Charles manson, another reason to shave it off lol

"Fashion" is most definitely never an issue for me ! I reckon it's more of a "wonder what I'd look like with a beard" thing.........that and "embracing my grey-ness"


Just to add -when you say "keep up the trips to the barber", I haven't been to a barber since 1994 ! (Shaved head)

Edited by Blackbriar
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Get it done ! lol


Mines is wild just now, but might get trimmed when I get back home next week.


My lads is massive, half way down his neck, they are the in thing just now. Seemingly I`m cool. I just thought I was a scruffy cnut, but hey ho, who knew


Heres mine, but at the mo I have ma heed shaved






Here is me and Kittlerox ,, see how much better looking I am with a manly beard.


sexy muthafuckers :laugh:
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As a barber, I will tell you they are now "out" of fashion. I grew mine to about an inch long but the Mrs hated it. Shaved it off couple months back. If you do decide to grow it you gotta keep up with the trips to the barbers to keep it in shape else it'll just look grizzly Adams shite! Plus everyone said I looked like Charles manson, another reason to shave it off lol

"Fashion" is most definitely never an issue for me ! I reckon it's more of a "wonder what I'd look like with a beard" thing.........that and "embracing my grey-ness"


Just to add -when you say "keep up the trips to the barber", I haven't been to a barber since 1994 ! (Shaved head)

I too have a shaved head but if I didnt have me beard tidied it looked IS

Just grow it then, don't like it shave the thing off. Simples

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Mine started off like this, but when I went to work I was getting rather home sick .... So had to grow it abit just to feel at home when I'm not at home ;)


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Been rowing mine for 4 years. Ever seen ZZ Top? :laugh: I posted a pic of it here some time ago. You do need a trim once in a while, or else it goes thinner (or mine does anyway)

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Been rowing mine for 4 years. Ever seen ZZ Top? :laugh: I posted a pic of it here some time ago. You do need a trim once in a while, or else it goes thinner (or mine does anyway)

ahhhh!! Not fair I missed it. Love love love zz top :laugh: cool dudes!
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