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Gay Marriage

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Its this wishy washy hippy " turn the other cheek " cobblers that got us into the trouble our societies are now in with immigration......30 years ago some of us were ranting and raving about it but ot

I love these gay bashing threads LOL As some may know, my lad is gay, civil partnership, live in a nice house on a nice estate, both professionals, make no secret of it but don't flaunt it. Just 2 a

Next thing you know it will be peados making the case for "well I was born this way so I have right" type nonsense.......they tried before and if we keep making the abnormal normal then they will have

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My mates a taxi driver and got a call to pick up these two married women , but he was too far away and phoned his mate too do the job and says they might give you one of there films ?. his mate rushes round to pick them up after wards he gets a call calling him all the names under the sun turns out they where built like two russian weight lifters . :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I dont mind if they do there own thing and its done on the quiet these days there nearly making being gay compulsory

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People on the thread been saying oh its been done gor thousands of years etc so whats normal? People been committing rape and murder as long as well dont make it ok. I dont gove a shit what they do bit seems society is ramming it down our throats from a young age now and marriage is a union between man and woman they got equal rights with civil partnerships and will all religions that legally marry people have to give them same rights as well?

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The only argument i can see for it is by religious people. To me there is no god so i couldnt give a shit. That said i think its wrong having gays on tv ar times when kids could be watching. People might say well thats the real world but there is violence and stuff and we dont allow kids to watch that. I dont think that makes me homophobic im sure an old mate who i dont see much anymore is gay. That dancing poof off the tele louie spencer or whatever his name is has me in stitches.

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I don't really agree, personally I think the world could do with a bit more "No, that's not OK" and a bit less "that's fine, do as you please"


As Gnasher rightly says, next thing you know they are making up a law that says you have to accept the perverse and call it normal.

It's a slippery slope.

Agreed. what are they going to do next, legalise sheep fiddling?


Oye leave us out of it, this is about Ireland not Wales....



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no one mentioned anything about them adoptioning kids yet.

What would yer views on it be.

atb j

While having a little party and calling themselves husband and husband whatever it is they do is all pretty harmless and doesnt effect anyone.........when you start bringing innocent children into it thats crossing the line in my opinion.....personally id make it punishable with imprisonment myself !

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louie spencer has you in stitches? he makes me feel ill lol. gays are more likey than average to be drug abuses, self harm, syffer mental disorders, be peadophiles etc. everything about them from how they speak and act to what they wear is just so in your face, in general they have no class just over the top flamboyancy. their full existence is defined by their sexual preferences making sure everyone is aware they are gay. plus they all have aids.

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He just makes me laugh cause his so bitch like and attention seeking. Even his lisp adds to his funniness. As for kids imo thats deffo wrong. White couples and black couples far as im aware cant or least have a much harder time adopting as they like the kids to know their culture. Another thing is how they seem to go on so much about wanting to be treated normal but make a big deal about being gay and many use the gay card. I mean we dont have a we like the opposite sex march and rub it in peoples faces. Ok your gay no big deal get on with it dont put it in peoples faces.


Do you think people are born gay? I wonder if its a chemical inbalance. I dont see why the fact they dont mind taking it up the arse has em having to have over the top womanly manners. Must be something wrong with their hormones.


Anyway my bloodline wont contain no gays lol :)

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louie spencer has you in stitches? he makes me feel ill lol. gays are more likey than average to be drug abuses, self harm, syffer mental disorders, be peadophiles etc. everything about them from how they speak and act to what they wear is just so in your face, in general they have no class just over the top flamboyancy. their full existence is defined by their sexual preferences making sure everyone is aware they are gay. plus they all have aids.

:laugh: That is the most bigoted post yet. I'd love to see you tell Alfie that.







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He just makes me laugh cause his so bitch like and attention seeking. Even his lisp adds to his funniness. As for kids imo thats deffo wrong. White couples and black couples far as im aware cant or least have a much harder time adopting as they like the kids to know their culture. Another thing is how they seem to go on so much about wanting to be treated normal but make a big deal about being gay and many use the gay card. I mean we dont have a we like the opposite sex march and rub it in peoples faces. Ok your gay no big deal get on with it dont put it in peoples faces.

Do you think people are born gay? I wonder if its a chemical inbalance. I dont see why the fact they dont mind taking it up the arse has em having to have over the top womanly manners. Must be something wrong with their hormones.

Anyway my bloodline wont contain no gays lol :)

But your posts sound sooooo......gay! Haha......

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