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Gay Marriage

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Its this wishy washy hippy " turn the other cheek " cobblers that got us into the trouble our societies are now in with immigration......30 years ago some of us were ranting and raving about it but ot

I love these gay bashing threads LOL As some may know, my lad is gay, civil partnership, live in a nice house on a nice estate, both professionals, make no secret of it but don't flaunt it. Just 2 a

Next thing you know it will be peados making the case for "well I was born this way so I have right" type nonsense.......they tried before and if we keep making the abnormal normal then they will have

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They can have a little party and call it what they want i couldnt give a shit......but why do they need recognised law and legislation ?.......I,ll tell you why......to force society into giving them their blessing and approval thats why !

haha that is gold



I agree though

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Yes...'if' it was factual. But I'm not sure where you could get a factual star on that subject.

Be like the media saying 90% of the people who follow dog fighting will go on to abusing people. Bollocks also...


Thats a bit of a silly random similarity isnt it.....................dog fighting is illegal....being a bender isnt !...and how it found its way into this conversation God only knows :blink:

Edited by gnasher16
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I just don't get what the fuss is about....its simple...CONSENTING ADULTS have the right to do whatever they want between themselves.The only thing I disagree with is the constant gay activity in nigh on every programme .As for the more we accept/tolerate things the worse it will get....it wasn't that long ago women were treated as second class citizens,surely this shows we can accept new ways of thinking without suffering a moral decline :thumbs:

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I've never really understood the whole mindset involved in campaigning for "gay rights" and so on. A lot of people have weird and wonderful sexual preferences (so I'm told) :icon_redface: but where do you draw the line at what's "natural" or unnatural, and who deserves their own special niche or not?


Will we have a rights movement for blokes who like MILFs? Or blondes? Where could that end? The mind boggles.


Whatever you're into, it should between you and your partner. Not really anyone else's business, so why do they insist we know they are gay at every opportunity?

was getting a little lost on thread was going a bit too scientific for me :icon_redface:


But after reading your post - well couldn't agree more :thumbs:

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Alright lads.

voting on the gay marriage is coming up over here in the few weeks and was wondering what the irish lads on here think about it.

I'm voting for a yes Imo everyone should have the same rights regardless of their life style or perferances. I know of a good few who are dead against it.

Equality. Simple as.


Also what's yer views on the abortion laws here as well.

atb j

My thoughts on abortion?


No uterus. No opinion.

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