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Its this wishy washy hippy " turn the other cheek " cobblers that got us into the trouble our societies are now in with immigration......30 years ago some of us were ranting and raving about it but ot

I love these gay bashing threads LOL As some may know, my lad is gay, civil partnership, live in a nice house on a nice estate, both professionals, make no secret of it but don't flaunt it. Just 2 a

Next thing you know it will be peados making the case for "well I was born this way so I have right" type nonsense.......they tried before and if we keep making the abnormal normal then they will have

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Now im not a clever person admittedly...........but if 90% of paedos are queer...... whether 1% of queers are paedos is neither here nor there.......it doesnt change the fact that most paedos are queer ?........or am i not understanding a very straightforward statistic ?

No, you are right, lol. I corrected myself on it. As I said, taking the original 'fact' in good faith, then it's factual to say there is a higher chance of finding a paedophile in the gay community than the straight community. The point I was trying to make which is still valid is that even if that fact is so, it doesn't mean being gay increases the chance of you being a paedo. There may be no direct causal relationship between the two, despite the correlation.


I think some people are just too brainy for their own good :D ...........I prefer to keep things simple....if its saturday today its not because its not yet sunday........its just f****n saturday :laugh:

Edited by gnasher16
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Just like to point out I have no knowledge of the stats and I was just trying to help gnash understand.....


See what you've caused now Gnasher ffs :laugh:

I didnt cause it whoever the person was who gave the stat out caused it !!


I dont normally delve too deep into the mind of sickos but this topic made me wonder whether paedos differentiate between boys or girls in terms of straight/queer the way they do adult relatonships......as someone said most child victims are girls yet most paedos are poofs.....................f**k it im not even sure i want to know !!!

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I actually think that's quite a nasty thing to say....."most peados are gay". Couldn't give two fucks about they dirty peados but it's pretty harsh on the gay community.

My cousin is gay...not overly camp but you'd probably guess after 5 mins.

Growing up in a small mining village there was rumours of the odd person 'might' be gay but you never seen anyone flaunting it, they'd have there arse kicked. Which in turn made me not like gays very much. But then you grow up.

The girl has a wee boy, he calls me Dad and if he was to come to me in 10 years time and say I'm gay then I don't think I'd care. I'm not very family orientated so I wouldn't worry about not being a grandad or that. All id wish is he doesn't get bullied and he keeps the sexual part of his life to himself. Apart from that if he was happy then happy days.

Ps...if he was one of the proper camp variety I would be forced to slap that out of him...?

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I've never really understood the whole mindset involved in campaigning for "gay rights" and so on. A lot of people have weird and wonderful sexual preferences (so I'm told) :icon_redface: but where do you draw the line at what's "natural" or unnatural, and who deserves their own special niche or not?


Will we have a rights movement for blokes who like MILFs? Or blondes? Where could that end? The mind boggles.


Whatever you're into, it should between you and your partner. Not really anyone else's business, so why do they insist we know they are gay at every opportunity?

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It's just some human beings like being the centre of attention.


I wouldn't say it's a gay trait,and probably suprise us the amount of poofs who just get on with thier life's.but then again if I was looked on as a paedos cause of my sexuality. Then maybe I to would take to the streets and join parades and demos.


Guess lot to be said of keeping some thoughts to yourself, and not be the main cause of fuelling what you dislike.

Edited by truescot
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I actually think that's quite a nasty thing to say....."most peados are gay". Couldn't give two fucks about they dirty peados but it's pretty harsh on the gay community.


If the factual stat is indeed that 90% of paedos are benders why is it nasty to say that ?........anymore than saying more black people commit crime than white people....or is that being harsh on the black community ?


The minute we start saying its nasty to tell the truth political correctness has achieved its aim !

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I actually think that's quite a nasty thing to say....."most peados are gay". Couldn't give two fucks about they dirty peados but it's pretty harsh on the gay community.


If the factual stat is indeed that 90% of paedos are benders why is it nasty to say that ?........anymore than saying more black people commit crime than white people....or is that being harsh on the black community ?


The minute we start saying its nasty to tell the truth political correctness has achieved its aim !



someone else can do the maths but the figure i remember is that American male paedophiles are 34x more likely to identify as homosexual than the average American man.

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Aye but they are yanks ,and you have researched this well! you having doubts lol


i read one article about the link between the 2 groups lol i doubt there's another in existence,no-one wants a load of angry poofs hunting them down.


but on a serious note i don't hate them,just think they shouldn't be allowed to push their agenda or be near kids.


my own sister is one and she's only ever seen photos of my 4 lads.

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I actually think that's quite a nasty thing to say....."most peados are gay". Couldn't give two fucks about they dirty peados but it's pretty harsh on the gay community.


If the factual stat is indeed that 90% of paedos are benders why is it nasty to say that ?........anymore than saying more black people commit crime than white people....or is that being harsh on the black community ?


The minute we start saying its nasty to tell the truth political correctness has achieved its aim !

Yes...'if' it was factual. But I'm not sure where you could get a factual star on that subject.

Be like the media saying 90% of the people who follow dog fighting will go on to abusing people. Bollocks also...?

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I think gays fall into two categories the ones that feel the whole world has to know.


And the ones that are just happy to crack on and keep it to themselves and their circle.


Lab's the first kind :laugh:

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