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Gay Marriage

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Its this wishy washy hippy " turn the other cheek " cobblers that got us into the trouble our societies are now in with immigration......30 years ago some of us were ranting and raving about it but ot

I love these gay bashing threads LOL As some may know, my lad is gay, civil partnership, live in a nice house on a nice estate, both professionals, make no secret of it but don't flaunt it. Just 2 a

Next thing you know it will be peados making the case for "well I was born this way so I have right" type nonsense.......they tried before and if we keep making the abnormal normal then they will have

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my daughter is a forensic anthropologist

Ironically, that profession probably puts her in a better position to comment on human behaviour and it's effects on society than anybody in this thread! LOL


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My bro is gay brilliant guy , went to a gay ceremony before great night , should of seen some of the older guys there with there partners they just didn't want to be there at all ??

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Each to their own I suppose but I've never understood why they want to flaunt it so much. Because they can, that's why. This country is so PC now it makes my blood boil, but notably not PC enough to allow "straight marches" "straight pride" etc.

No one is stopping you from setting up a straight pride march if that's what you want...

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I reckon that whatever 2 CONSENTING adults get up to is their own business, if ya wanna get married go for it. I have no kids nor the desire for them as i am the least maternal female on the planet, so shan't say anything about same sex parents.

People are saying it's perverse?

How about BDSM? shall we ban that?

Threesomes? shall we ban those?


How many (fellas mainly ;)) of you who think it is against nature have asked your missus to take it up the arse?

According to the bible it is against God's will to have sex with someone of the same sex.

If I remember correctly so is masturbation. Please step forward and shout out if you have never.........

Nah thought not ;)

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I reckon that whatever 2 CONSENTING adults get up to is their own business, if ya wanna get married go for it. I have no kids nor the desire for them as i am the least maternal female on the planet, so shan't say anything about same sex parents.

People are saying it's perverse?

How about BDSM? shall we ban that?

Threesomes? shall we ban those?


How many (fellas mainly ;)) of you who think it is against nature have asked your missus to take it up the arse?

According to the bible it is against God's will to have sex with someone of the same sex.

If I remember correctly so is masturbation. Please step forward and shout out if you have never.........

Nah thought not ;)

I'd have no problems masturbating in church :-)))

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I reckon that whatever 2 CONSENTING adults get up to is their own business, if ya wanna get married go for it. I have no kids nor the desire for them as i am the least maternal female on the planet, so shan't say anything about same sex parents.

People are saying it's perverse?

How about BDSM? shall we ban that?

Threesomes? shall we ban those?


How many (fellas mainly ;)) of you who think it is against nature have asked your missus to take it up the arse?

According to the bible it is against God's will to have sex with someone of the same sex.

If I remember correctly so is masturbation. Please step forward and shout out if you have never.........

Nah thought not ;)

I like women who don't like kids, we got a lot in common , we have to sort a night out his season lamping I think we have great night , I like tough straight talking women ,I should imagine your a fit type woman as well , you prob make it look easy for carrying the rabbits as well :thumbs::D

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I reckon that whatever 2 CONSENTING adults get up to is their own business, if ya wanna get married go for it. I have no kids nor the desire for them as i am the least maternal female on the planet, so shan't say anything about same sex parents.

People are saying it's perverse?

How about BDSM? shall we ban that?

Threesomes? shall we ban those?


How many (fellas mainly ;)) of you who think it is against nature have asked your missus to take it up the arse?

According to the bible it is against God's will to have sex with someone of the same sex.

If I remember correctly so is masturbation. Please step forward and shout out if you have never.........

Nah thought not ;)

I like women who don't like kids, we got a lot in common , we have to sort a night out his season lamping I think we have great night , I like tough straight talking women ,I should imagine your a fit type woman as well , you prob make it look easy for carrying the rabbits as well :thumbs::D
And that's how a real man changes a gay thread into a date. Well done Ray....???
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I reckon that whatever 2 CONSENTING adults get up to is their own business, if ya wanna get married go for it. I have no kids nor the desire for them as i am the least maternal female on the planet, so shan't say anything about same sex parents.

People are saying it's perverse?

How about BDSM? shall we ban that?

Threesomes? shall we ban those?


How many (fellas mainly ;)) of you who think it is against nature have asked your missus to take it up the arse?

According to the bible it is against God's will to have sex with someone of the same sex.

If I remember correctly so is masturbation. Please step forward and shout out if you have never.........

Nah thought not ;)

I like women who don't like kids, we got a lot in common , we have to sort a night out his season lamping I think we have great night , I like tough straight talking women ,I should imagine your a fit type woman as well , you prob make it look easy for carrying the rabbits as well :thumbs::D
ya wee bugger ya ?
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I couldn't care less, mainly because everyone I know who has had a church wedding is just doing it for the 'show' (especially the women)

Big dress, expensive suits, limos, horse drawn carriages & all the rest of the bullshit that go's with it.......I don't know anyone that wanted gods blessing haha.....cost a fcuking fortune, get in loads of debt ( ironically for gods blessing ) & in many cases split up in a year or so.....haha....

It's a modern fcuking sham!........gays are fcuking welcome to it & I hope it grates on all the god fearers nerves hahaha.....



got to agree with that I could never understand the big wedding thing. Your starting life out together why go blow a fortune to get started better off saving the dosh for something else. Registry office in out job done. Just hope my daughters also think like that :)

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Have to say our kid was gay from day one I shit you not :laugh:

I've told him straight (lol no pun) I will never accept Poofs having kids and he is defo one of these "fabulous" types that thinks the world is their stage. One time the cnut just lept in the air and did the splits and ripped his pants.. On the fuuckin metro here in barca.... so I slapped him :laugh: now the bitch has a hump with me lol

As Gnasher said..... attention seeking ;)


Tea all over the iPad lol

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