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Gay Marriage

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Alright lads.

voting on the gay marriage is coming up over here in the few weeks and was wondering what the irish lads on here think about it.

I'm voting for a yes Imo everyone should have the same rights regardless of their life style or perferances. I know of a good few who are dead against it.

Also what's yer views on the abortion laws here as well.

atb j

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Its this wishy washy hippy " turn the other cheek " cobblers that got us into the trouble our societies are now in with immigration......30 years ago some of us were ranting and raving about it but ot

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Give me half an hour to get to the shop and back.


I want to get some snacks and get comfy - this has the makings of a good old THL ding-donger............

lol it should be interesting

atb j.

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Give me half an hour to get to the shop and back.

I want to get some snacks and get comfy - this has the makings of a good old THL ding-donger............

lol it should be interesting

atb j.

Is this just for the Irish lads, or can anybody stir it ?

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Give me half an hour to get to the shop and back.


I want to get some snacks and get comfy - this has the makings of a good old THL ding-donger............

lol it should be interesting

atb j.


well iam not Irish , but here we go , I think its wrong I am married as you know mate, and we got married in church .The service was very nice and even back then ( 30) years ago the words the vicar said had a meaning I thought, they had my wife crying a lit bit lol. but the message to me from that day, the way I got it was for a (man and woman ) not to men/men or to women/women . I not against queers etc. as you are what you are , whats inside the way you made= the way you tick . but I think its mockery of vows in the church with the for same sex people , not saying they don't love each other ,as they prob do , but the words don't seem as powerful to me , if it was to men/men or to women/women , it just dont sit right with me , if this makes any sense lol

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if you do get invited to a male gay wedding

A good wedding gift would be a Stick of

Perfumed Vaseline

It's not for soreness its for chaps

That's what it says on the label

Let them get married I say

Just as long as nobody makes a telly program about it

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Give me half an hour to get to the shop and back.


I want to get some snacks and get comfy - this has the makings of a good old THL ding-donger............

lol it should be interesting

atb j.

well iam not Irish , but here we go , I think its wrong I am married as you know mate, and we got married in church .The service was very nice and even back then ( 30) years ago the words the vicar said had a meaning I thought, they had my wife crying a lit bit lol. but the message to me from that day, the way I got it was for a (man and woman ) not to men/men or to women/women . I not against queers etc. as you are what you are , whats inside the way you made= the way you tick . but I think its mockery of vows in the church with the for same sex people , not saying they don't love each other ,as they prob do , but the words don't seem as powerful to me , if it was to men/men or to women/women , it just dont sit right with me , if this makes any sense lol
alright ray lad.

How's you missus doing. On the road to recovery I hope.

I understand where you're coming from. It's more of equal rights thing for me than reglious thing. I myself am not reglious in anyway.

To each their own. But if they are expected to obey the laws and pay their taxes and all else as well they should be given equal rights as well.

atb j

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Give me half an hour to get to the shop and back.

I want to get some snacks and get comfy - this has the makings of a good old THL ding-donger............

lol it should be interesting

atb j.

Is this just for the Irish lads, or can anybody stir it ?
more the merrier

atb j.

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Its this wishy washy hippy " turn the other cheek " cobblers that got us into the trouble our societies are now in with immigration......30 years ago some of us were ranting and raving about it but others were saying " it doesnt effect me so who cares "......now those same people are demanding something be done !!


Why should we turn the other cheek and say " well im not bent so it doesnt effect me ".......you might not be an immigrant either but it still effects our societies we are all too quick to be tolerant and accepting of folk different from us....while all the time societies standards slip further and further away.


No poofs should not be allowed to get married dont be so ridiculous...........if thats what they are so be it get on with your life.....but we dont all have to play a part by giving our blessing to it.

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Its this wishy washy hippy " turn the other cheek " cobblers that got us into the trouble our societies are now in with immigration......30 years ago some of us were ranting and raving about it but others were saying " it doesnt effect me so who cares "......now those same people are demanding something be done !!


Why should we turn the other cheek and say " well im not bent so it doesnt effect me ".......you might not be an immigrant either but it still effects our societies we are all too quick to be tolerant and accepting of folk different from us....while all the time societies standards slip further and further away.


No poofs should not be allowed to get married dont be so ridiculous...........if thats what they are so be it get on with your life.....but we dont all have to play a part by giving our blessing to it.

do you mean not a church wedding or a civil one or none what so ever.

atb j.

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