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Why Is It Always Blacks Rioting ......

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I hark back to the good old days when life was so much simpler, black and white so to speak (if I'm actually allowed to say that anymore). The days before the loony left distorted our values and eth

Look, let's have it right......there is a massive difference between a racist and a realist !!  Folk like me are condemned for speaking the truth in a world where lies rule and the truth isn't welcom

I also live in the west of ireland.......not exactly the multi cultural epicentre of the world is it matey ..........not that many "black" or "asian" areas about is there   If the old bill went int

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In 2009 there were 0.7 % of white Americans serving jail sentances.......in the same year there was 4.7 % of black Americans serving jail sentances.........therefore blacks are over 6 times more likely than whites to serve prison sentances than whites in America...........what else is there to talk about .....or do they have a moral obligation to commit crime !!


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Wilf i never once mentioned racists, you did,,,an dare, so he was a known criminal, so he deserves to die, everybody makes mistakes, have you not, are you a good we boy thats done nothing wrong, your type of mentality is sickening, an you no why no one came out for lee, is because it was a totally different situation, lees murder was tragic, yes, it was two immigrants that killed him, on the other hand it was the establishments police that killed a man, unless you want to let the gov away with murder....

and what about keith blakelock bull you bang your drum all you want but i doudt you have ever lived in a area that has a large ethic group so have no idea what its like or how about how many murders are committed in london for example by blacks per population has to say whites [/quote


Hi maggie, your on here every other day with your coloured muslim bullshit, your bang your drum everyday, get of your arse an do something about it,,,i could ramble on all day about how many innocent people died over here at the hands of the ruc/ psni, westminster goverment], an still normal folk get harrassed day in day out, by the c...s,,,,but i dont we get on with it, an try an change the situation, not tarring everyone with the same brush.

well show me were im on here everyday or every other day slating muslims or blacks now dont dig yourself another imagery 28 foot dig now bull i await your evidence to back your claims up you missed out uda ira and the other cowards has well bull :thumbs:

Edited by blackmaggie
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What id like to know is while all these black teenagers are out rampaging, looting and attacking the police, where are their parents ?




























Oh yeah, prison !

doing the pound shops over

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After all the advantages blacks get in america they live in the richest country in the world the level of affirmative action to get them into top positions in all sectors all the society, college places they get over other americans and most of them achieve and act as if there still in Africa. Dont no one go thinking they like white people either a huge percent of them hate white crackers and think we

are the devil but happily live in a devils countrt using all the devils technology even the mobile phones they use that get given them but think it came from obamas pocjet money lol funny aint it almost all otjer ethnic and immigrant people get on with there lives and make the most of it over there but blacks? And thankfully they dont give a shit about blacks killing blacks as if they rioted every time it would be lookibg like africa very quickly

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Some of these posters on here think that they could just roll into South Central and as long as they were "sound" they'd be welcome ...nonsense


The U.S. ain't like that lads, I've been to some horrid places in my life but Crenshaw on a Friday noght was up there with the worst and that was just in a taxi....


Look at those two British lads in Miami a couple of years ago, thinking they were fly to go get some beak from the hood...the uk isn't that rough, over there it's a different ball game..

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My auntie Whent out to Florida when she was 20 as a nanny her husband my uncle through marriage is a sheriff in orange county and believe me they shoot first and ask questions later ..........

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