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Bedlingtons For Cover Work

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Working beddy type,would work all cover

Got one going on 9 years old bushed out well for the lurcher before her demise. Good marking dog for ferreting never tells lies. very poor coat everything sticks to it even when clipped close. Ok in c

great dogs ..but you can get most xs its work and plenty of it that makes any dog more work more experience learned , any dog wont learn stuck in a kennel all day ,i personally love beddys

I think they have the best nose of any terrier, they are very scent orientated.

I read they have otter hound in their makeup.

Mine certainly barks like one, although she is silent when working.

Edited by shepp
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Morton if beddys were so good why so few working them? Because there no good that's why. I have 2 spaniels and they would wipe the floor with your lamb dogs. Been out with beddys in my eyes never seen a good one. Spaniel or spaniel cross leave the beddy at home in your birds handbag

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had a bedlington for bushing. he was a demon to smash cover but was mute as you might expect , great nose.great wheather proof coat but that nose carried him off up the field like a fox hound and no amount of training could reel him back in. maybe a better man would have got a handle on him but for the life of me i couldnt get any sort of recall on him. just my experience with the one i owned. he might have suited different ground than i hunt better

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Morton if beddys were so good why so few working them? Because there no good that's why. I have 2 spaniels and they would wipe the floor with your lamb dogs. Been out with beddys in my eyes never seen a good one. Spaniel or spaniel cross leave the beddy at home in your birds handbag

IF,you knew what you think you know,id be worried,my bird does not own an hanbag,he owns a Snap on tool box,with pics of Bedlingtons adorning it.

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had a bedlington for bushing. he was a demon to smash cover but was mute as you might expect , great nose.great wheather proof coat but that nose carried him off up the field like a fox hound and no amount of training could reel him back in. maybe a better man would have got a handle on him but for the life of me i couldnt get any sort of recall on him. just my experience with the one i owned. he might have suited different ground than i hunt better

The majority of Bedlingtons ive worked have been far from mute,noisy feckers,above and below,plus ive rarely owned one with a jacket worth mentioning,something Bedlingtons are renowned for.I owned a dog a couple of years ago that would not rein in,hit a scent and tally-ho,then many hours to locate the ignorant twat,he,s now a pet,the vast majority of the ones ive bred and grafted are perfectly biddable and rarely get lost on their bushing forays.

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Goes to show there is no black and


had a bedlington for bushing. he was a demon to smash cover but was mute as you might expect , great nose.great wheather proof coat but that nose carried him off up the field like a fox hound and no amount of training could reel him back in. maybe a better man would have got a handle on him but for the life of me i couldnt get any sort of recall on him. just my experience with the one i owned. he might have suited different ground than i hunt better


The majority of Bedlingtons ive worked have been far from mute,noisy feckers,above and below,plus ive rarely owned one with a jacket worth mentioning,something Bedlingtons are renowned for.I owned a dog a couple of years ago that would not rein in,hit a scent and tally-ho,then many hours to locate the ignorant twat,he,s now a pet,the vast majority of the ones ive bred and grafted are perfectly biddable and rarely get lost on their bushing forays.
goes to show the diversity of any breed. A.t.b
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I have a litter of good old school bedlingtons if anyone is interested have a couple spare cracking dogs in cover

"cracking dogs in cover" makes me think they are not as old school as you would have us believe,old school were bred to enter below then work cover as part of their versatility.What graft have the parents seen in the dark?,i allready know your going to lie.Good luck with the sale of another litter of useless Bedlingtons.

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Sire is dug to all the time mate I am not in to digging my self but my bitch goes to ground has had a few but that's not my game I generally use her for bushing with the lurchers

Who owns the sire?,pm me if preferred.

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Sire is dug to all the time mate I am not in to digging my self but my bitch goes to ground has had a few but that's not my game I generally use her for bushing with the lurchers

If it was an old school bred bitch,throwing old school progeny,you would not be able to keep it out of the ground,nothing to do with "my game".the sad reality of Beddy life is that the majority bred is bushing material only,then advertised as genuine "old school" working bred.Its about honesty and not the sale of another pup,how much are they?.

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