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How Much To Charge For Board

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Id say a bit steep when him n a mate could probably rent a flat for not much more depending what area you live and he can party n do whatever the hell he likes then lol

I take it you still live with your parents then ........
Lol i knew that was coming. I was taking piss righting that. Iv just bought a house and awaiting keys. Which at 22 is very difficult iv saved every penny for the deposit myself with no help. In all fairness only problem with high board means it will be hard to save for a deposit to move out unless your happy renting. When i have kids of my own il charge board but put it all to one side to build a deposit up for them a house. Im a sensible lad and iv struggled saving most kids these days need a bit of help.
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£60 is very fair and if he doesn't like it tell him to move out and see what he gets for £60 ... Rent, food, electric, Internet, laundry, rates etc etc ... Tell you what he would get ... Fukc all ....

Seems fair to me i carnt believe the amount of young lads i have worked with who dont pay board despite being in their twentys some of them its another sighn of how times have changed as everybody i k

If you don't need the money off him why not put a few quid of it away for him without him knowing...

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was giving my mum and dad 25 pound a week 20 year ago . i didnt pay them once and when i missed the second week on the friday the binliners full of my stuff where waiting for me and i was gone , you soon realise how cheap it was at you mum and dads lol

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Thinking about it i dont think there is a right amount it depends on the individuals. Only point i was making was that by charging nearly half there income they will never be able to move on unless renting. Depends what people priorities in life are.


That's fair enough if you're lucky to have parents well off enough that they don't need you to kick in to the pot, I know my Ma couldn't of run the household without me and my brothers chipping in...


Like a few others said I think if the parent's can make do without any board being paid they should still take it but put it aside as savings for a deposit without telling the kid, that way they learn a valuable life lesson and still have savings to help them on their way :victory:

Edited by BGD
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Guest Navek

Never realy got on with my dad so left home at 15 lived with a mate for couple months then got my own place so learned quickly how far the pounds stretch ........ Not fecking far !!!! Lol 60 pound is about right depending on what he is earning.. I no when my young uni get a job then they will have to pay there way.depending on there wage I will take 50 pound a week wich will go towards the food they eat,electric , gas,Internet,Virgin,..........then when the time comes for them to leave the nest I will pay there deposit and first months rent then after that they will have to stand on there own two feet ( with me hiding away wating to catch them if they fall )

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Im obsessed with saving for my own place. Hate the idea of havinf to live whereever the council stick you. Also more aless impossible to get a council place. Think the fact when we moved for the first time i couldnt keep dogs. Put down my staff had a big impact too. Only thing ive ever felt guilty for and regretted.


I must know alot of shit people though lol, some on here have spoken about savings. I would say less than 5 people i know in my age group have more than 5 grand saved. I do think their bad with money though its like they dont want it even though of course everyone will say they do. They work all week and blow most of it on the weekend doing the same sort of shit with the same old people...My mum says im just a boring miserable f****r lol ill go out but wont ever leave myself skint and having to borrow money. Told her dancing probably orginated in africa, rain dance to celebrate getting water lol...well why are they out dancing every weekend? celebrating spending money? Cant see any of them ever escaping the life that was already mapped out for them tbh this is as good as it gets.

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I paid 50 for a few months and then moved out. Used to whinge like f**k paying board, am 22 now and have just moved into a house big enough for the daughter to have a room and a room for the one on way and the rent alone is 675. Fuxking wish me ma still had me bed up

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Did anyone else keep the tradition of having you're first wage all to yourself' ?

Yes mate remember the old man getting me and a few mates in our last year at school work in the shutdown at british steel on twelve hour shifts for two weeks to say that was a babtism of fire would be an under statement lol health and safety would go nutts if that happend now and then being allowed to keep all that i had earned spending it on clothes and rock albums lol.

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I left home at 18. When I was 20 I was giving my mother £1000/month to help her with the house. I did that for 18 months. When I was 23, she gave me some of it back. Together with the money I had saved I bought my first house.

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