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Dmitry Belyeav Fox Experiment

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I think there are certain similar changes animals go through in the course of domestication but the major difference I feel was the harnessing of prey instinct of the wolf to work in conjunction with man to overcome large animals in the course of the hunt

It's only in the last few generations where we have being breeding for social up to that stage we have only bred for working ability unlike the fox experiment which has bred for a puppy like state of friendliness in fact ia defensive mechanism


A truly confident working dog will be social to a point but doesn't display a puppy like state of attraction

The hunt made the dog what it is today, hundreds of hunting breeds whereas man made the fox social without the hunt,

Ancient man harness the wild adult element of the wolf , modern fox experiment harnessed a puppy like state of the fox

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QB is not stupid, far from it. However, even though he can see the truth, his faith will not allow him to accept it.   TC

No it's not. It's an example of domestication and evolution through selective breeding. It does nothing to prove evolutionary time lines or family trees or have anything at all to do with a mythical a

Why has this turned into another God thread ... f***ing BORING .............

In the hope of getting this back to the original thread title...after that programme was originally aired there was a feature about this breeding project in National Geographic which I have a copy of.


Also, purely by coincidence, my son and I actually met one of these foxes yesterday in our local petshop. The shop was having a birthday celebration (15% off etc) and had two raccoons, a skunk, an arctic fox and one of these silver foxes. The two foxes were curled up together in the same crate and, to be honest, I actually thought it was a pet red fox at first as it had been bred in that colour.

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