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These Almost Make Sciatica Worth It!

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Not normally one for prescription meds if i can help it, but with my back f****d as it is I had to admit defeat and go see the docs with it.

3 fused vertebre (how do you spell it???) and sciatica.

However he also gave me naproxen and codiene dihydroclosomethingorother.





I can see why your only allowed them for a few days at a time!

Pink and fluffy here I come.


Gone from being in agony, to space cadet in 1/2 hour!

Hopefully it'll wear off soon and I can get stuff done! lol!

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It's funny how peoples bodies react differently I'm on exact same tablets even the neproxen 500 for my legs but feel no different than normal bar my pain goes for a while .

i know what you mean I had them and they done feck all for me the same with tramadole made me loopy but don't take any pain away but morphine was fine yet there dam near the same thing so the doc told me
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It's funny how peoples bodies react differently I'm on exact same tablets even the neproxen 500 for my legs but feel no different than normal bar my pain goes for a while .

i know what you mean I had them and they done feck all for me the same with tramadole made me loopy but don't take any pain away but morphine was fine yet there dam near the same thing so the doc told me


tramadol , are good for easing the pain in my lower back, but bloody hell do they make me feel sick all the while , so leave them alone if I can . I remember when I 1st hurt my back in 82, in them days it was bed rest with pain killers , I think I took distilgesic or somting like that , went to bed and woke up seeing spiders as big as kittens crawling on the floor by my bed lol, my old man came up stairs heard my shouting and said no more of them feckin pain killers , he though I was on LSD :laugh: so that was the end of them lol

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bloody hell I am on naproxen codydramol and a small amount of diazapan, and its ok, no high anyway. lost 4 stone over last yr and my backs still buggered, but not had the sciatica for a while,it doesn't stop the heart though, I will rabbit and fox off a mobility scooter before fail, :hunter:

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Well I'm back! Bloody hell these things work! Doc said to keep as active as possible, me an the dog have been walking miles! It's fab, I never realised how much pain I was in and how limiting it was till it stopped!

I m hoping that now I can get out and bout exercising properly again, the pain should stay away after the meds have stopped :thumbs:


On side note, the Cuckoo has been calling non stop and I have heard the Bitterns booming at last! YAY!

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