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You Know You're Getting Old When.....

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you know your old when you buy something becouse its comfy and not because its fashionable or you turn radio 1 off because the bang bang bang hurts your head

You know your getting old when an all nighter is not a night out on the pi$$. But one where you make it through the night without going to the toilet.   TC

Same with me Tomo, always been a young man at heart, but theres no doubt about it , im and old man, but contrary to what ive written about myself on the other topic, im a fit old bugger, nearly every

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I know there's a good few blokes on here older than me,,,,but I was sat thinking last night at work,,,,13 years ago,,,( wich seems like yesterday) I was still working in Spain ,,,age 34,,, partying and doing stuff young fellas do,,,,but 13 years from now,, ile be 60,,,,it's somthing I just can't get my head round,,,,cos I've always been a young bloke......

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I know there's a good few blokes on here older than me,,,,but I was sat thinking last night at work,,,,13 years ago,,,( wich seems like yesterday) I was still working in Spain ,,,age 34,,, partying and doing stuff young fellas do,,,,but 13 years from now,, ile be 60,,,,it's somthing I just can't get my head round,,,,cos I've always been a young bloke......

I think people like your self tomo , wont have a prob getting older ,because you led a active life and kept your self fit, ok you put bit weight on , most do when they get over 30 , but you loose bit of weight around the 60 mark as well . What Its held me in good stead is keeping lurchers for 30 years, with either lots of lamping, or lots of mooching just keeping active. I went to local hospital last week to start phyiso on my right knee, the bloke there who looking after me for my knee, was shocked when I told him my age he thought I was only 50 , so that's knocked 12 years off lol . he said for my age I was strong+ fit , he asked me what I do to keep like I am. I couldn't say lamping in the early hours walking 3-4 hours , jumping ditches getting over 5bar gates all night, or he think I was nutter :laugh: , so said walking my dogs and gardening lol .

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Same with me Tomo, always been a young man at heart, but theres no doubt about it , im and old man, but contrary to what ive written about myself on the other topic, im a fit old bugger, nearly every day im out wi dog, and i do some mileage, on foot, nowt in life gets me down, many deaths in my family, but i still bounce back, its just my nature, i just love life simple as that, not enough hours in the day for me, never in bed afore 1am, and up around 6 30, its very rare i sit down, im on tenterhooks here hoping for another pup, thats my life, done my bit fer queen n country, its my turn to enjoy life now, and i do

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Same with me Tomo, always been a young man at heart, but theres no doubt about it , im and old man, but contrary to what ive written about myself on the other topic, im a fit old bugger, nearly every day im out wi dog, and i do some mileage, on foot, nowt in life gets me down, many deaths in my family, but i still bounce back, its just my nature, i just love life simple as that, not enough hours in the day for me, never in bed afore 1am, and up around 6 30, its very rare i sit down, im on tenterhooks here hoping for another pup, thats my life, done my bit fer queen n country, its my turn to enjoy life now, and i do

And that's exactly how I hope to be at that age mate if I'm still walking a lurcher and catching rabbits when I'm your mate will be one happy fellow

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I know there's a good few blokes on here older than me,,,,but I was sat thinking last night at work,,,,13 years ago,,,( wich seems like yesterday) I was still working in Spain ,,,age 34,,, partying and doing stuff young fellas do,,,,but 13 years from now,, ile be 60,,,,it's somthing I just can't get my head round,,,,cos I've always been a young bloke......

I know all too well how ya feel Tomo and usually i feel the same but i've just ran through your numbers and by my calculations i'm a year older than you!


So thank you, you've just made an old man feel much better about himself...lol :)

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I know there's a good few blokes on here older than me,,,,but I was sat thinking last night at work,,,,13 years ago,,,( wich seems like yesterday) I was still working in Spain ,,,age 34,,, partying and doing stuff young fellas do,,,,but 13 years from now,, ile be 60,,,,it's somthing I just can't get my head round,,,,cos I've always been a young bloke......

I know all too well how ya feel Tomo and usually i feel the same but i've just ran through your numbers and by my calculations i'm a year older than you!


So thank you, you've just made an old man feel much better about himself...lol :)


Well im older than the pair of you :icon_redface: and if theres one thing ive learned the older ive got its not to count your lifetime in numbers !......I used to be like that Tomo i was constantly worrying about reaching 40 then 50.....now i couldnt give a shit when 60 comes along ive accepted life is about how many things you experience not how many years you live.............i love life and want to live forever but the thought of dying having not lived a full life scares me more than age.........and not a " to do " list,swimming with sharks and all that caper.........but real pure life experiences like great joy,big disappointments,growth,family,friendship,happiness,love,loneliness,desperation,wealth,poverty,fitness,sickness...............all the things that a fully lived life entail....thats more important than numbers surely.

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Same Age As Me Tomo , I've 2 Grown Up Children Daughter 28 Son 25 , 2 Grandsons 6 & 2 , I Work About 5 Hrs A Day 5 Days A Week Now & Enjoy Loads Of Free Time With My Dogs , I Use To Be Work / Money Orientated The More I Got The More I Wanted , But Certain Things Happen In Life Which Put Things Into Perspective & Change Your Outlook / Goals Which Happened To Me . . You Know Your Getting Old When You Start Sounding Like Your Father , I Was Forever Leaving Lights On And He'd Be Moaning Like Fukc. And Now I'm Moaning Like Fukc To My Daughter When She's At Mine Leaving Every Light In The House On , Though I Know She Does It To Wind Me Up :)

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This about sums it up.


My days of youth are over,

my torch of life is out.

What used to be my sex appeal,

is now my waterspout.


It used to be amazing,

the way it would behave.

As early in the morning,

it stood and watched me shave.


As old age grows nearer,

it's size gives me the blues.

To see the poor thing hang it's head,

and watch me shine my shoes.



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i heard two kids talking recently and i shit you not this is what they said. they were talking about the playstation 1 games console. to which one said "whats a playstation 1?" and the young lad said " aw it was one of the first computers made, back in olden times" :laugh::laugh: jesus i felt old for sure. made me laugh too

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I know there's a good few blokes on here older than me,,,,but I was sat thinking last night at work,,,,13 years ago,,,( wich seems like yesterday) I was still working in Spain ,,,age 34,,, partying and doing stuff young fellas do,,,,but 13 years from now,, ile be 60,,,,it's somthing I just can't get my head round,,,,cos I've always been a young bloke......

I know all too well how ya feel Tomo and usually i feel the same but i've just ran through your numbers and by my calculations i'm a year older than you!


So thank you, you've just made an old man feel much better about himself...lol :)


Well im older than the pair of you :icon_redface: and if theres one thing ive learned the older ive got its not to count your lifetime in numbers !......I used to be like that Tomo i was constantly worrying about reaching 40 then 50.....now i couldnt give a shit when 60 comes along ive accepted life is about how many things you experience not how many years you live.............i love life and want to live forever but the thought of dying having not lived a full life scares me more than age.........and not a " to do " list,swimming with sharks and all that caper.........but real pure life experiences like great joy,big disappointments,growth,family,friendship,happiness,love,loneliness,desperation,wealth,poverty,fitness,sickness...............all the things that a fully lived life entail....thats more important than numbers surely.


good thread gnasher :thumbs: I am old to you and prob alot on here lol, but when things like relationships come under great pressure through health probs, you think about your life, her indoors is in hospital she quite ill . so bit of time on me own ,and time to reflect on things at moment , you don't realise how quite a house is when your on your own , take a bit of getting used to after 30 years lol.

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