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You Know You're Getting Old When.....

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you know your old when you buy something becouse its comfy and not because its fashionable or you turn radio 1 off because the bang bang bang hurts your head

You know your getting old when an all nighter is not a night out on the pi$$. But one where you make it through the night without going to the toilet.   TC

Same with me Tomo, always been a young man at heart, but theres no doubt about it , im and old man, but contrary to what ive written about myself on the other topic, im a fit old bugger, nearly every

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I know im getting old when i can remember getting elbowed by young birds for chasing their mums yet nowadays i get elbowed by old birds for chasing their daughters !!

Like the young lad standing at the bus stop teasing the college girls, the police officer came told him to stop and told him I am going to report this to your Dad. He then asked where is your Dad ? the young lad replied at the next bus stop :icon_redface:

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Aw, I love you men :wub: These comments really made my day: :laugh::laugh: especially the dog chasing the car one: maybe I should start a female 'you know you're getting old' thread too, though knowing you lot I think it may degenerate into cruel abuse :tongue2: Anyway, all the posts made me feel I'm not quite so old after all :tongue2::laugh: but it is embarrassing to find yourself dancing (trying to) to an old Stones record then realise you're back's gone into spasm.



Aw, I love you men :wub: These comments really made my day: :laugh::laugh: especially the dog chasing the car one: maybe I should start a female 'you know you're getting old' thread too, though knowing you lot I think it may degenerate into cruel abuse :tongue2: Anyway, all the posts made me feel I'm not quite so old after all :tongue2::laugh: but it is embarrassing to find yourself dancing (trying to) to an old Stones record then realise you're back's gone into spasm.


Even more embarrassing when your back goes into spasm on the way to the bar and everyone thinks you're dancing.

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You know you're getting old when you can sit on your own b*llocks !

Unfortunately for me I have been able to do that since my teens, Christ knows how low they will be hanging by the time I am 60!!


P.s. This isn't boasting, I've got a tiny penis, just really low hanging spuds. Like two golf balls in a hikers sock.

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You know you're getting old when you can sit on your own b*llocks !

Unfortunately for me I have been able to do that since my teens, Christ knows how low they will be hanging by the time I am 60!!


P.s. This isn't boasting, I've got a tiny penis, just really low hanging spuds. Like two golf balls in a hikers sock.

bit to much info mate ?
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Jesus oh - I am glad I'm a spring chicken after reading this :laugh:


Although yous really shouldn't swerve age gaps, they work out sometimes.


My fella is 10years older than me - works for us! :D


Never ever ever ever ever ever would I so much as look at anyone that isn't AT LEAST 10 years older than me and greying :)

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