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You Know You're Getting Old When.....

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You know you're getting old when ... You're watching babe station and there is a stunning women pushing a vac about wearing a skimpy French maids outfit , and all you can think is I could do with a Hoover like that !

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you know your old when you buy something becouse its comfy and not because its fashionable or you turn radio 1 off because the bang bang bang hurts your head

You know your getting old when an all nighter is not a night out on the pi$$. But one where you make it through the night without going to the toilet.   TC

Same with me Tomo, always been a young man at heart, but theres no doubt about it , im and old man, but contrary to what ive written about myself on the other topic, im a fit old bugger, nearly every

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And to be truthful I was chatting to her and was accused by another lass in the office of flirting :laugh: I replied if I was flirting we'd already have a night booked lol the poor lass went all shy.... which I took as I still have it :laugh:

you no in your head your still going to pump her though ??
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When you see a group of young lasses and realise you fancy their mothers more  :bad:  :bad: (equals, know you'd a have a far better chance with their mothers) :yes:  :laugh:


Cheers, D.

I have noticed in the last little while I am definitely more attracted to the older lady now.


Either that or I am less fussy (or more desperate) with age.


Also I found my first grey pube the other day. Shed a tear over that one.

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I think my mrs is getting old

Come down stairs this morning

She was stood at the cooker with one of my socks in a frying pan

I asked what she was doing

She said don't you remember asking me last night to

Cook your sock

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Aw, I love you men :wub: These comments really made my day: :laugh::laugh: especially the dog chasing the car one: maybe I should start a female 'you know you're getting old' thread too, though knowing you lot I think it may degenerate into cruel abuse :tongue2: Anyway, all the posts made me feel I'm not quite so old after all :tongue2::laugh: but it is embarrassing to find yourself dancing (trying to) to an old Stones record then realise you're back's gone into spasm.

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