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General Election ...

Guest ragumup

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all the GE talk, VEDay70 years today ww2 ended no matter who we support, its because of those who fought, we have a choice

You daft c@nts just gave them a landslide by voting SNP  

Mate! labour started that shit last time round

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Jim the commie lol


Only thing I like about him is he dislikes salmond


The only thing this election will churn out is divisions.


No one party will win, and yes snp will be in a position of power, but no one will jump in bed with them,and the outcome will be democracy called into question and English &scots distrusting each other.


While the nation is in a turmoil the SNP will gloat. Not giving a shit about the country.

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If anyone is thinking of voting labour or any of the same3take a look at this clip of dianne abbot giving it away why they will let the worst crimes go unpunished just so tjey dont lose a vote from some parts of society because all they care about is themselves. ArGHH CANTput it up on the mobile can some post the link please


Nihal; race and political correctness

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Jim the commie lol


Only thing I like about him is he dislikes salmond


The only thing this election will churn out is divisions.


No one party will win, and yes snp will be in a position of power, but no one will jump in bed with them,and the outcome will be democracy called into question and English &scots distrusting each other.


While the nation is in a turmoil the SNP will gloat. Not giving a shit about the country.



welcome back scothunter :thumbs:

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Why doesn't these shit holes in dire poverty,and disasters go cap in hand to the Islamic state?


They won't to be recognised and lets be honest they have more in common with them than us.


They also have a shit load of money, they prob wouldn't give them f**k all but I'm sure we can spin it to make them look even worse lol

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f***ing unbelievable :icon_eek: 3000 million to Israel?????????? 30056 million to Pakistan???????? And working people here using food banks??????? total change needed, get the lot of em out :censored:

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f***ing unbelievable :icon_eek: 3000 million to Israel?????????? 30056 million to Pakistan???????? And working people here using food banks??????? total change needed, get the lot of em out :censored:



Beggars belief, I honestly believe only a revolution can save this country, anything else will be too little too late

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f***ing unbelievable :icon_eek: 3000 million to Israel?????????? 30056 million to Pakistan???????? And working people here using food banks??????? total change needed, get the lot of em out :censored:



Beggars belief, I honestly believe only a revolution can save this country, anything else will be too little too late



A proper revolution would be a disaster imo mate? Its not going to happen any time soon here anyway, people aren't suffering enough, and the powers that be wont push us that far, they're way to smart to do that. If it did happen by some miracle, the rulers would just use America to quash it, all they'd have to do is scream "commie uprising" to sell it to the American people, bearing in mind the same people run the UK and USA, not likely to just "give it up" are they?


Only way forward is to vote them out imo, nobody can argue with a vote result in a supposed democracy, but if it was looking that way they'd come up with a strategy, conventional war, virus, something, plans will already be in place for all scenarios. Bunch of evil c**ts.

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