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General Election ...

Guest ragumup

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Massive online poll 81,000 so far puts Ukip ahead on 31% con on 23% lab 19% sweet .. http://www.unilad.co.uk/articles/general-election-2015-who-you-voting-for/ just click on the who you voting for part ...

An online poll that can be answered by anyone (even people outside the UK) and easily manipulated to give you more than 1 vote (I just did 3 votes for labour :laugh:)


Surely much more reputable than all those biased polls done by reputable polling organisations with strict criteria and published methods :rolleyes:


Still waiting for those 2 recent polls showing ukip getting double digit seats :hmm:

Edited by BGD
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all the GE talk, VEDay70 years today ww2 ended no matter who we support, its because of those who fought, we have a choice

You daft c@nts just gave them a landslide by voting SNP  

Mate! labour started that shit last time round

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The poll I just gave you is the real one... :laugh: there's two elections going on at the same time the media fantasy and reality ...http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/04/22/there-are-two-general-elections-underway-the-virtual-poll-of-the-political-class-and-the-real-contest/

Ah yes unilad.com that well respected polling organisation.


Its an online poll on a niche website ffs you really think they got a better cross section of the population than professional polling organisations with carefully managed criteria :laugh: :laugh:


You're living in a fantasy land pal.

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You just stick to voting for the other parties...


:laugh: Keep up with the silly image macros instead of debating the points I put forward. Guess you cant handle intelligent debate.


Oh and I've already sent out my postal vote for Labour, enjoy having good old Red Ed as your PM :thumbs:


Well if we do, enjoy your forthcoming enrichment, I hope you and all your lefty pals feel its full effect, traitors the lot of you.

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BGD can I ask what it is you don't like about Farage or UKIP?

incase you missed it

Simple really, I believe in socialism, multiculturalism and internationalism so ukip don't align with my political beliefs.

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The poll I just gave you is the real one... :laugh: there's two elections going on at the same time the media fantasy and reality ...http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/04/22/there-are-two-general-elections-underway-the-virtual-poll-of-the-political-class-and-the-real-contest/

Ah yes unilad.com that well respected polling organisation.


Its an online poll on a niche website ffs you really think they got a better cross section of the population than professional polling organisations with carefully managed criteria :laugh: :laugh:


You're living in a fantasy land pal.



I think we're all living in a fantasy world, clever education and conditioning by the ones that run it, but the thing that makes it work better than anything is the general population not wanting any real responsibility? You and Rags are on the same side to me, people who believe politics is real, all working for the same side, and to deluded to know it, or back to not wanting responsibility and just in denial? Not meant to be offensive, just my opinion.

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The poll I just gave you is the real one... :laugh: there's two elections going on at the same time the media fantasy and reality ...http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/04/22/there-are-two-general-elections-underway-the-virtual-poll-of-the-political-class-and-the-real-contest/

Ah yes unilad.com that well respected polling organisation.


Its an online poll on a niche website ffs you really think they got a better cross section of the population than professional polling organisations with carefully managed criteria :laugh: :laugh:


You're living in a fantasy land pal.

I think we're all living in a fantasy world, clever education and conditioning by the ones that run it, but the thing that makes it work better than anything is the general population not wanting any real responsibility? You and Rags are on the same side to me, people who believe politics is real, all working for the same side, and to deluded to know it, or back to not wanting responsibility and just in denial? Not meant to be offensive, just my opinion.

I'm under no illusions I know all the main parties are basically the same but I vote Labour in an attempt to protect the welfare state and public services. Voting for the lesser evil while working towards a real socialist revolution, its about all someone of my political persuasion can do seeing as there's no credible socialist/marxist party standing throughout the UK.

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The poll I just gave you is the real one... :laugh: there's two elections going on at the same time the media fantasy and reality ...http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/04/22/there-are-two-general-elections-underway-the-virtual-poll-of-the-political-class-and-the-real-contest/

Ah yes unilad.com that well respected polling organisation.


Its an online poll on a niche website ffs you really think they got a better cross section of the population than professional polling organisations with carefully managed criteria :laugh: :laugh:


You're living in a fantasy land pal.

I think we're all living in a fantasy world, clever education and conditioning by the ones that run it, but the thing that makes it work better than anything is the general population not wanting any real responsibility? You and Rags are on the same side to me, people who believe politics is real, all working for the same side, and to deluded to know it, or back to not wanting responsibility and just in denial? Not meant to be offensive, just my opinion.

I'm under no illusions I know all the main parties are basically the same but I vote Labour in an attempt to protect the welfare state and public services. Voting for the lesser evil while working towards a real socialist revolution, its about all someone of my political persuasion can do seeing as there's no credible socialist/marxist party standing throughout the UK.



Every attempt at "Socialist/Marxist" revolutions and government has always led to the same result, abject poverty and suffering for the very peoples it was supposed to help.

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labour getting desperate up here...

The SNP have really shaken the establishment up and unlike UKIP they're not just making noise in the press and on social media but actually getting results :yes:

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The BBC has confirmed labours poll ratings over the last 5 elections they were over optimistic ...

I wonder why....... :hmm: I'm starting to slowly see the true picture....its all about money in the pockets of the few that run this entire country....... :icon_eek:

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