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Antis In Malta

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  On 20/04/2015 at 22:21, ChrisJones said:

Did anyone else watch the video far enough to where they claim one of Labour's election pledges is to end the police subsidy on gun licenses?


Looks like a ban by bureaucracy.


License costs could quadruple pricing out all but the vigilant.


Why should taxpayers subsidise shooters hobby though? :hmm:

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  On 21/04/2015 at 00:41, ChrisJones said:

They shouldn't.


Why not just make it affordable to begin with?


The fee has to cover the costs of issuing the licence, it doesn't at the moment which is what the change is all about.

How would you make it more affordable? The government is just asking shooters to cover costs, not making any profit.

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  On 21/04/2015 at 00:49, BGD said:

The fee has to cover the costs of issuing the licence, it doesn't at the moment which is what the change is all about.

How would you make it more affordable? The government is just asking shooters to cover costs, not making any profit.


I agree they have to cover the cost but you're asking two government bodies to give you an honest processing cost! I dispute the figures of the costs! :laugh:


It's a gun grab. Raise the costs enough and no one can afford it.


Yanks are trying to do the same thing with ammunition.

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  On 20/04/2015 at 20:50, dytkos said:

Malta is a Mecca for rabbiters, it's their national dish!



Cheers, D.

Booked a cheap as chips holiday to Malta with a bunch of mates and their wives when we was pissed a few weeks back...hotel reviews on trip adviser discribe it as a cross between a east European prison and fawlty towers...i dont mind all that as its just a place to lay your head....but i want something a bit more exotic than bloody rabbit for me tea every night!

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Stayed at the Hilton in St Julian's a few times there is a shit hot Thai restaurant underneath facing the sea.


Defo get your asses to valleta and see the war museum


I reccomend any rabbit dish at least once to try.


Watch out for the Russians Mafia has a big presence there I ended up steaming drunk one time partying with a guy (who was sound as fuuck tbh) Later on my mate who lived there told me the chap is/was the top Mafia bloke on the islands :laugh: all I did was ask a light for a spliff and that was that shared the spliff and we was besties :laugh:

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At the end of the day its there home not ours,its up to them to monitor and police the hunters there,not three steaming idiots from over here,Its a freedom and a human right to hunt,notice the two people who were potential antis,both English sounding,no person has the right to remove hunting from and individual,it goes back to our animal origins,as regards the firearms licensing,why does it cost that much, all back ground checks are done via PNC one person in a office,all required info as regards topography of the land you are applying for, is available via ordinance survey maps, and a police visit to check security,the rest is printing ink, and they should be able to do several a day, the truth is anti social behavior carried out by these few people, pissed on there own importance,influences and guides a whole government, against the wishes of its nation,because they no longer possess the moral direction, of honesty integrity and impartiality,to ensure they do the right thing by the population,instead of discriminating against what is becoming a minority, "US "




This is what he thinks of us,and by the way that's all of us,that's a affront to an English man, in my opinion,people who are that screwed up, they are afraid of there own dinner, and these people are influencing politics,its a disgrace for justice this country is screwed,

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