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More F*cking anti drivvel

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Apologies if this has been posted before but:




WANTED - Information on hunts, shoots, gamekeepers, where hunts are meeting, places, dates etc., people you suspect of being involved in bloodsports, anybody seen digging for badgers or foxes. Any information no matter how small could be of great use to us. If you can help please contact us at the above.


If anybody wants to make a donation/set a standing order to help the group our bank details are: Account Name - North West Hunt Saboteurs Association, Account Number - 54006681 and the Sort Code is 08-60-01


Wish we had some "pro hunting" PR because there are a shitload of anti hunting PR engines.


These aresholes boast about getting keepers etc charged and about wrecking peoples hunts, and gives advice on how to wreck snares and sabotage traps, even though they know full well its criminal damage.


Sorry guys I know its all been talked about plenty before but this has really pissed me off. :censored:



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One might be tempted to inform them of a badger/fox dig in some inaccessible out of way spot 3 miles off the road in the middle of some bog or other, preferably in inclement weather and at 3 o'clock in the morning.


They may find nothing, but I'm positive it would help build character.

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One might be tempted to inform them of a badger/fox dig in some inaccessible out of way spot 3 miles off the road in the middle of some bog or other, preferably in inclement weather and at 3 o'clock in the morning.


They may find nothing, but I'm positive it would help build character.

should tell them where ones going to be then phone the police and inform them people are trespassing on private land haha

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Guest john2007oliver
One might be tempted to inform them of a badger/fox dig in some inaccessible out of way spot 3 miles off the road in the middle of some bog or other, preferably in inclement weather and at 3 o'clock in the morning.


They may find nothing, but I'm positive it would help build character.


The cheeky f*ckers have put up peoples names and addresses. I think we need some of theres. Anti scum should be shot on site

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=@:censored: :censored: These people are just Pure W*NKERS!


Word to the wise in Eire at least, SPCA heads posing as terrier people, be very wary when posting ads publicly and dealing with respondents, do not reveal your home address, home telno, do not be over familiar, such heads are looking to find terrier people and have certain views on certain breeds that involve such dogs only getting the bolt.

Be careful,use a different number to your own when posting ads untilyou have cleared a new punter to your satisfaction but always be careful, these heads think theyare FBi or something, they reall really do, its all about the glory of getting the blood thirsty b*****ds and getting lots of tv time!!!!


been there, got the tee shirt, heard the rant, feared for my dogs lives

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