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Larsen Trap Protection

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Hi all.

I have four Larsen traps which I move about a 300 acre farm to help the sheep farmer. Trapping magpies and carrions.

For the last two years they have been targeted by a person unknown who comes between 4pm and 9 am and releases the call birds. He doesn't damage anything simply releases the birds. I daren't lock it in case he does damage the traps.

Any clues as to how I can dissuade this trespassing clueless pr*%k. I've ruled out man traps and hand grenade traps and I don't have a stealthcam

Any tips would be gratefully received.

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Thing is with Larsen traps is they are not easy to hide, only way I can think of is move it to a more of the track spot, ive ran them on a shoot I used to work as an underkeeper for the summer and a private shoot my friend runs never once did a call bird get released the place I worked had a lot of footpaths that where very very popular with walkers do to it being on the cotswold way route, we used to place signs on them saying these traps are for conservation methods to protect ground nesting and other nesting birds and is helping to conserve wild birds with some other infomation about how predatory magpies and corvids are, so maybe it is worth sticking a similar sign to it as maybe the person doing it simply does not understand what it's used for and how it's helping wildlife

Edited by CushtyJook
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  On 20/04/2015 at 16:27, danw said:

Place Larsen on car tyre then use a Lead out cable to fence energiser

Then remember to disconnect when checking trap...lol

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  On 20/04/2015 at 16:57, Joe777 said:

Stick them on the barn roof? Keep them away from footpaths. Maybe hang around until dark as 4 pm isn't very late? I'd wait out til dark most do holders are daytime and get up at daylight. Take a Camera with you and if you can locate vehicle then get a reg and give him a hot plate . Atb Joe

The goose Joe??....lol


Ah you changed it....lol

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Wildlife camera set covertly to take video and pictures. At least you will have proof.


To a townie/ magpie lover the larsen looks cruel



So leave a laminated sheet politely explaining the damage magpies/crows do to young lambs etc. it could just be that this "wally" has no idea what damage they do, and may realize his errors and leave alone. Can hope.

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i just cant do with interfereing fools , we once set a fox snareline high on the moors walked for miles to do it , when we got back we sat down for a well deserved brew ,,knock knock on the door ... local smartarse birdwatcher ,had the lot in his hand saying excuse me do these belong to you :censored: he moved out of the area a few weeks later im told

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Funny this as i was just about to put a larsen tale up,

I had been asked to catch some Maggies in a garden last week,but only got hold of a call bird today, the bloke i got the call bird from asked me where i was going to use the trap? and when i told him he said he had given a call bird to a a fella that lives over the road from where i was going to set it 2 days ago and he had been raided by the wanking RSPCA, someone had reported him and they took the trap and the Maggie, dont know a lot more than that at the moment and i will go and see the fella tomorrow and see whats going on



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  On 20/04/2015 at 19:32, me1 said:

Trim the flight feathers like you do with chickens then when it's relesed it can't fly off

That's illegal and would give the troublemaker a case against you.

First, I would ask the landowner that when you catch the culprit will he be banned from the land ?

Unless you have trail cameras you'll have to catch the culprit red handed and that might mean sitting out all night (maybe a friend would help so you can split up) when you do show him your permission to set traps and your right to set traps then I would tell him he's now tresspassing and to go see the farmer ASAP.

Threaten him with the law too.


Anyone who uses larsens get's this sort of trouble every year and it shows how important it is to have everything 100% ie. clean water ,healthy callbird, because if you don't they then have a case against you.

Have to say, the way some lads keep their larsens is a disgrace.

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  On 21/04/2015 at 06:34, neil cooney said:


  On 20/04/2015 at 19:32, me1 said:

Trim the flight feathers like you do with chickens then when it's relesed it can't fly off

That's illegal and would give the troublemaker a case against you.

First, I would ask the landowner that when you catch the culprit will he be banned from the land ?

Unless you have trail cameras you'll have to catch the culprit red handed and that might mean sitting out all night (maybe a friend would help so you can split up) when you do show him your permission to set traps and your right to set traps then I would tell him he's now tresspassing and to go see the farmer ASAP.

Threaten him with the law too.


Anyone who uses larsens get's this sort of trouble every year and it shows how important it is to have everything 100% ie. clean water ,healthy callbird, because if you don't they then have a case against you.

Have to say, the way some lads keep their larsens is a disgrace.



I'm not sure its actually illegal . A well publicised court case addressed the question of whether a wing clipped bird i.e. feather clipped, was 'maimed' and there fore illegal under the provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside act. The case concluded that the wing clip was not a maim. The practice of wing clipping is frowned upon because if the bird gains freedom it would starve to death. I could be proved wrong if theres a more up to date case out there where the court upheld that it WAS a maim



Anyway, I digress, because the farmer caught a bloke in the place where the bird was released this morning at 0815hrs. He was from one of the local estates and is thought to be an ex military bloke. He's well known for walking around everyone's land in a cammo jacket whenever and wherever he wants to, at high speed like he's just stolen the walking boots he wears. Farmer gave him a right ticking of but I don't think he gives a frick. Thing is, if I meet him, I know whats going to happen, and sometimes its just not worth risking my SGC and FAC.

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Does sound like you've found the culprit.

You'll still have to catch him in the act though and if you do either tell him he's trespassing and breaking the law for which you'll be informing the police about.

It's up to you if you wanted to go that far though.


If he was in the forces try and get his name. There's plenty of ex-service men on here. One of them might have some dirt on him, LOL.


You could put a sign near your traps saying "traps are being monitored. No interference please."


It's a bummer I know. In my parish the only place you'll see more than the odd magpie or greycrow is where I've had trouble in the past.

There was even one woman who made her husband take my birds a few miles up the road and release them.

You should have seen her face when I told her that the resident magpies up the road where killing the released birds. "Either way I win." I told her.

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A farmer friend up the road from me asked if i would set a couple of larsen's as magpies were doing damage to the leaders on his Christmas trees, i said ok no problem and was delighted he asked me as he has some good land.

anyway i set out two traps, upon checking one evening i noticed one missing so i asked a lad who was working on the farm did he see it and he said ask the man living in the house next door and I did, turned out he let out my decoy and put the trap in his sitting room. I asked him, "did i give you permission to touch my trap? Why did you steal my trap? And did you hav permission to be on the farm!

He went as white as a ghost!!

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