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What A Disgrace This Country Is

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That is absolutley diabolical, how can we as decent humans let this paedophila, molesting, abusing of children, an older people go on, this is digusting, is that mum fit for purpose, i mean, no wonder folk take things into their own hands, they have, cause gov doesnt give to monkeys.

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What kind of mother would allow this situation and even the smallest risk to her children? They need to take these children out of this hell hole away from their vile creature of a mother and the danger of the predator pedophile, a home is meant to make a child feel safe, what chance do some children have in this sick society nowadays? Disgusting, you would think other family members would be up in arms over these children ?

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She's obviously a f***ing idiot at the highest level. Chuck the peado and the silly bitch in a hole and give the wee one some kind of chance in life....??

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You couldnt make that up , thats unbelievable that socail workers would allow that they should be sacked


Let's Be Honest They've Stood Back & Watched Children Murdered So Gambling With Young Girls Around A Peodifile Won't Register Very Highly Reguards Safety To Social Workers !!
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She Doesn't Deserve The Title "Mother" . . Cause There's Nothing Motherly About Her , I'm Amazed when Reading These Story's Where's Her Family Or The Kids Father / His Family Surely 1 Off Them Must Be Half Sensible ?

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Wtf is the mother thinking ????? those poor kids , how can she bring that thing any where near her children and what the hell is she thinking by having a relationship with someone that messes with kids . In my opinion both of them should be put to sleep they are not needed or wanted in this society

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