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Thank you zandy appreciate that :thumbs: And that's not even the lot of them :laugh: try to make the most out of the space we have and always wanted livestock.... So now have a mini makeshift farm e :D I'm very lucky to be able to do so, so appreciate it everyday (in between complaining about it ) :laugh:


Nicole :thumbs:

Edited by MoChara
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Some lovely pics mo Love the pig I do feed the one in the pet farm near me

thank you, she is the only pig that would half stand for picture peter the other sow and piglets well no chance getting a pic :laugh:


Is that boyo in pic a Vietnamese.? Had a boar like him but he came to an end one nasty bugger he was. I've no boars now my own wee African dwarf pb boar died few weeks ago, miss him something awful!


I'll try get few decent pictures of my pigs, these ones are only ones on this



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This one looks like an albino golden pheasant.





How can it be an albino if it has black barring on it? tut tut...come on now Tiercel..........it's actually a yellow form of golden pheasant. I like the pure bird myself. :thumbs:

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