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water bottles

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can someone please help, i'm having trouble finding a water bottle that doesn't leak :angry: i now have 9 different ones and they all seem to :censored: leak ! all i get is a constant drip that soaks the floor of the cage, am i the only one who has this problem ? if you have a leak free bottle, could you get me a couple and i'll send the cash......i know it seems odd but this is really doing my head in and i don't want ice in the cage in winter.


knocker :icon_eek:

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ive got 4 in my court, & guess what..... mine leak aswell.


i once saw a design where a bottle was placed upside down in a small troff shaped container & as the water was drunk the level of the water went down aswell... ill try to find it again.



Edited by richie
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ive just looked at the picture again and see what your saying ;) .... you mean the white drinking nozzle ? i suspose if it was going to be used permantantly, it would be worth removing a small section of the mesh to slide it through sideways then to turn it upright and fasten..



Edited by richie
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kay, looking at the picture it seems that the yellow disc is undone then the thread is stuck through the cage and then the yellow disc re-attached and tightened to hold in place..... i think..



Ahhhhhhhh silly me :laugh::laugh::laugh::toast: theres always one sorry :icon_redface:

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ive just looked at the picture again and see what your saying ;) .... you mean the white drinking nozzle ? i suspose if it was going to be used permantantly, it would be worth removing a small section of the mesh to slide it through sideways then to turn it upright and fasten..




I wasnt looking at the nozzle it was the yellow disc thing i just couldnt see how it fixed to weld mesh

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im gone back to the large heavy ceramic bowl,in the summer the ferts had 4 bottles and they were eating the nozzle literally,so i put in a bowl of water and they drank like they hadnt seen water for days.i came to the conclusion that they couldnt get enough water fro the bottles,so i dumped the lot and reverted back to the bowls.not a problem now do i have.

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I have only ever noticed a problem with dripping bottles, when the wire attaching them to the cage front is too tight, resulting in THE DRIP,


try making something like this, never have drip problems





ill try loosening mine... does my head in having the section of their hutch constantly wet.




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I have only ever noticed a problem with dripping bottles, when the wire attaching them to the cage front is too tight, resulting in THE DRIP,


try making something like this, never have drip problems



you going to get that ferret a chair to stand on stubby.all the best
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